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[RainDigitalDesign] User Activity (Users Viewed, Viewing Thread) 1.1.5

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Alright development on 1.2 starts today. Building the data writer for Thread, Page & Forum views... no clue what I am doing yet :p But this will eventually lead to the original feature being available for all parts of the forum, Nodes, Pages, Resources whatever.
Is this version still in development? It's a great addon, but I'd love to see forums views too. :)
Is this addon still in development? It's a great addon, but I'd love to see forums views too. :)
Its not "not" in development. But I have a lot of paid work that has been side tracking me. I can't wait to get this done but I can't even say when. I was hoping to have my game server chat log viewer done by January 1st for example and I am still working on it.
Its not "not" in development. But I have a lot of paid work that has been side tracking me. I can't wait to get this done but I can't even say when. I was hoping to have my game server chat log viewer done by January 1st for example and I am still working on it.
Ok, thanks for your fast reply. I can understand that, I'll wait. ;)
I love this, but I was wondering - vBulletin allowed you to mouseover the name/avatar and see the date/timestamp of the last time the person was on the thread.. is this possible with this add-on? I'm trying to see if folks are looking at a thread on an on-going basis.
I love this, but I was wondering - vBulletin allowed you to mouseover the name/avatar and see the date/timestamp of the last time the person was on the thread.. is this possible with this add-on? I'm trying to see if folks are looking at a thread on an on-going basis.

This has been requested and is planned. The reason it isn't simple to add is because the data we are reading from is from Xenforo and it only records the first date encountered. Whenever the rewrite is done which will record its own data then things like this will be easy to add and will be configurable as well.
I found that it is displaying properly in some subforums but not in others, any idea why this would be and how I can go about fixing it? Should I remake the node and copy all the threads to the new node? I don't understand why it would work on some nodes and not on other's with the same permissions.
I found that it is displaying properly in some subforums but not in others, any idea why this would be and how I can go about fixing it? Should I remake the node and copy all the threads to the new node? I don't understand why it would work on some nodes and not on other's with the same permissions.

Real question is which half or are you using both. The "viewing" thread portion has a "defect" to where it might not show you as viewing the first time you load it because Xenforo updates the session activity on a delay. The future plan is to "always include self" since you are always viewing what you are viewing right lol.

The read thread portion simply reads data from the database nothing else. The data is written by Xenforo to determine if a user as read a thread within X days. This setting is determined by you. If Xenforo isn't writing it then there is nothing to read. The future fix to this is to bypass using something never meant to be used like this and write our own "read" data. I wrote this plugin to operate exactly how its predecessors did with as many fixes as possible.

You can look at Xenforo's data yourself if you like:

If you find a thread marked as read not showing up then that would be a problem with the plugin. Otherwise its likely chalked up to the fact this data was only meant to show threads as read or unread and not what we are using it for. I do not know if there are any settings in xenforo which would prevent an entire node from being marked properly.
If im not mistaken, the code for the container is added into the template correct? Is there a way I can check for that code to be present? This whole thing with it appearing in some nodes just fine and not in others has me a bit bothered. I can't seem to track down any particular problem, not even the one you mentioned.

I got this kind of error message several times/day:

Erreur Info
ErrorException: Undefined index: thread - library/RainDD/UserActivity/Controller/ThreadReaders.php:17
Généré par: Compte incconu, Aujourd'hui à 11:55
Trace de la pile
#0 /home/ibvnhais/public_html/library/RainDD/UserActivity/Controller/ThreadReaders.php(17): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined index...', '/home/ibvnhais/...', 17, Array)
#1 /home/ibvnhais/public_html/library/DailyStats/ControllerPublic/Thread.php(7): RainDD_UserActivity_Controller_ThreadReaders->actionIndex()
#2 /home/ibvnhais/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(347): DailyStats_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionIndex()
#3 /home/ibvnhais/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#4 /home/ibvnhais/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#5 {main}
État de la demande
array(3) {
["url"] => string(41) ""
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {

Can you tell me what's wrong?

can you add a feature to show who watched topics only to the author of the theme? (Вы можете добавить функцию, чтобы показать, кто смотрел темы только автору темы?)
Hmm I will look into it. If I had to venture a guess guests might be included in the session model setting for unconfirmed. Which is currently set to be viewable only by those with bypass permissions.

If you want to test this theory (I'm at work). Edit the model file in /library/RainDD/Model/ThreadRead.php and look for the parameter that's either unconfirmed or get unconfirmed. Change the $bypassUserPrivacy to just true no $ or anything.

Might not be it. If its not I will have to look at the session call parameters. Xenforo provides the counts in an array from the function. But there are parameters defining what to show.

I think you meant ThreadViewers.php and by changing that variable to true it works fine. :)

Also by setting "Bypass user privacy" in the usergroup permissions to Allow will do the job.

In fact I did... I'd ask where my head was at but work is the apparent answer. Of course you wouldn't want to give that permission to guests :p.

Alright I will double check the function in Xenforo to make sure that is the intended use and update accordingly.

Hey, do you have any update on the above ?

Is setting allow to "bypass user privacy" for Registered members safe ?
What's the correct CSS class to change the color of the font?


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