Partial fix +Quote with css rule text-transform:uppercase


Well-known member
Style Properties > Message Elements > 'Public' Controls Container

If I add the rule 'text-transform:uppercase;' there the link at the bottom of a post becomes uppercase but the text goes down.

So it displays like this:


It seems to load that link last on the page. Sometimes it snaps back onto one line but I've had users say the link just stays formated like the above for them all the time.

Any reason that can't be uppercase? Or is there another way to achieve that?

This is in Chrome.
You can edit the phases and make them Uppercase.
It doesn't work when you want the other buttons uppercase as well! I use the uppercase on all control buttons like like/reply etc and turn them into a button using CSS, I'm sure many also apply rules on all the whole controls container, so this probably needs to be fixed.
You can edit the other phrases as well. It is still an open bug report, meaning Mike or Kier will look at it soon. I provided a solution, not a fix.
Seems like a redraw is needed as the '+Quote' string is inserted using javascript.

discussion.js (full), line 523
Changing into
Seems to fix it.
In general, this is a Chrome bug -- it's maintaining a 0 width when this CSS is applied. I don't have a clue why. When customizations trigger browser bugs, it's not always something we can reasonably workaround. For example, I wouldn't consider the double toggle to be a "reasonable" workaround in this case.

I have, however, made some tweaks that may improve rendering performance which seems to sort the issue.
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