Quiz add-on

May not have been crowdfunding, but you did take donations while building hype which amounts to about the same thing.

I think this is less discrimination about mental health, but pointing out the specific reason as to why he failed to deliver on one of many projects he had started (and some times taken money for).
This is not the thread to discuss this. If you have a problem you can message me directly. People change but apparently, you don't think so. I was suffering from mental illnesses that made me not want to get out of bed for days on end. Now you know so drop it and quit hijacking this thread. Also, that was 9 years ago and if you're still salty about what I did when I was dumb then that is on you no one else so quit trying to convince others to think your way. One last thing, I haven't asked anyone for monetary compensation for any of these threads that I have posted in.
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Sorry had to move and since I moved to a farm I've been extremely busy. This is the first day I've been able to get on my computer in 2 months.
I've been down with COVID the past 2 weeks but I'm slowly working out times when I can code and still be able to do my farm work and spend time with my wife a couple of hours a day.
I've been down with COVID the past 2 weeks but I'm slowly working out times when I can code and still be able to do my farm work and spend time with my wife a couple of hours a day.

We both know that this addon won't be made by you, so you can stop pretending and leading on other users that might think this quiz addon is still happening. It's been new excuses for the last year (I also talked on discord with him several times).
We both know that this addon won't be made by you, so you can stop pretending and leading on other users that might think this quiz addon is still happening. It's been new excuses for the last year (I also talked on discord with him several times).

This is nothing new, this sort of behavior has been going on for years.
Yeah I know that now. Thankfully I didn't spend any cash, just wasted some time (making road map, detailing functions etc).
Why not make a new thread inviting quotes and add the functional design to the thread? Then your time has not been wasted.
Do note that there also have been a lot of requests for a LMS system and LMS generally includes quizzes. LMS is a combination of articles to learn, followed by quizzes.
Why not make a new thread inviting quotes and add the functional design to the thread? Then your time has not been wasted.
Do note that there also have been a lot of requests for a LMS system and LMS generally includes quizzes. LMS is a combination of articles to learn, followed by quizzes.
I think many people would pay for this type of add-on. I know I would be happy to. Unfortunately, the Lessons add-on by TH requires a very large subscription payment.
I do coding in my spare time. If you don't have patience then that is on you. Accusing me of pretending is childish. When I say I'm developing an addon then that is what I'm doing. This isn't the only addon that has been requested.

FYI, I had no intention of taking any money from him for this addon until it was completed to his satisfaction, and then it would only be a small amount that I would charge for the addon. I don't do that anymore. When he spoke with me on Discord it was for maybe a day or two straight but then dead silence. So don't call me out when you could have messaged me on Discord plenty of times to see where I'm at.
I do coding in my spare time. If you don't have patience then that is on you. Accusing me of pretending is childish. When I say I'm developing an addon then that is what I'm doing. This isn't the only addon that has been requested.

FYI, I had no intention of taking any money from him for this addon until it was completed to his satisfaction, and then it would only be a small amount that I would charge for the addon. I don't do that anymore. When he spoke with me on Discord it was for maybe a day or two straight but then dead silence. So don't call me out when you could have messaged me on Discord plenty of times to see where I'm at.
When you say you are going to work on something, but showing no results, people can only assume you're pretending or not working on the project. Obviously, if you have not paid there is nothing lost to the people in question other than time, and the value of that is up to the individual.

You may not maliciously do things, but because of how you do things it leads to a reputation where it is very hard to trust what you say or what you do. For a quiz and arcade add-on, you are taking on a large responsibility that requires a lot of time to be committed to it so if you do not have the time, you are leading people on whether you mean to or not.

If no money changed hands @Frode789 isn't necessarily a client and he can only take your word that you're working on things. That said, when you are doing work for someone you normally would reach out to give updates as well. 🤷‍♂️

Honestly, if you want to change people's opinion of you, focus on smaller projects and release them (paid or free, doesn't matter) and show you can deliver. It will also help to keep you to a narrow scope, otherwise you seem to get overwhelmed.
I do coding in my spare time. If you don't have patience then that is on you. Accusing me of pretending is childish. When I say I'm developing an addon then that is what I'm doing. This isn't the only addon that has been requested.

FYI, I had no intention of taking any money from him for this addon until it was completed to his satisfaction, and then it would only be a small amount that I would charge for the addon. I don't do that anymore. When he spoke with me on Discord it was for maybe a day or two straight but then dead silence. So don't call me out when you could have messaged me on Discord plenty of times to see where I'm at.

? This wasn't a custom job. If it was (and I had paid anything beforehand, I would be furious). I'm not. But you need to stop leading people on. It may not be with intent to mislead, but you obviously have a hard time starting/finishing projects on any kind of schedule. Maybe focus on smaller things first, not huge/complicated gigs like arcade/quiz systems.

We were several people asking/offering interest for a quiz addon (just check the first page), and you said you could make it to sell here. Cool, that's good news. I said I could help lay out some functions and images/details on a feature set to assist. And that I did. In March.
Yes, I did ask to see how the progress was going as nothing was progressing after that. No work was seemingly ever done that I saw proof of. So yes I found that strange. Especially since your wording in the messages leaded to believe that it was "very imminent", but eventually yes I did just give up asking/responding, as it was obvious it was not going to happen, it was just more excuses.

So from March to August we did talk now and then. Then a pause and I sent a message in september (11 sept), and no response. Then a final one in October (24 oct), in which I gave up.
So I sent messages asking how things were going now and then (but not very often, as I didn't want to seem pushy) from March - October. So how is that "sending for 1-2 days and then dead silence?".

Do you want me to post the discord message logs here for the public? When your above post literally is lies and I can easily contradict that?
With all the new excuses you made? I'm not sure it would look good.

Like I said, I'm not mad (albeit disappointed). I haven't paid anything, although me and others were of course gonna buy the product in "retail".
But stop giving promises you can't keep. It may misguide others and they may end up waiting for something that isn't happening for a long time. Then it's better that they know that, so they can weigh their options on how important it is/consider custom funding it if important.
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Why not make a new thread inviting quotes and add the functional design to the thread? Then your time has not been wasted.
Do note that there also have been a lot of requests for a LMS system and LMS generally includes quizzes. LMS is a combination of articles to learn, followed by quizzes.

The notes are on his Trello board for the addon. I don't have access anymore/the whole Trello addon page has been deleted.
A quiz add on would be great. I'd chip in for one too. Over at IPB there's a real solid one. A quiz is a great way to get forum members motivated especially if there's an incentive like a prize or something.
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