XF 2.0 Questions about Xenforo and Add-ons


1. Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows what is that announcer add-on name? Like creating a thread then promoting to the article so it will be announced on the homepage.

2. As well I was wondering about between XF 1.5 and XF 2.0 which version usually is better.

3. Wonder If xenforo has an authorization code add-on or opinion for security purposes.

4. As well so I have I have discord widget installed and set up with an enabled widget on my discord and added Server ID in, as well all of that but somehow it isn't showing up on the sidebar the discord. Not sure what am I missing. I had checked the introduction as well.

~ Thanks
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1. Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows what is that announcer add-on name? Like creating a thread then promoting to the article so it will be announced on the homepage.

2. As well I was wondering about between XF 1.5 and XF 2.0 which version usually is better.

3. Wonder If xenforo has an authorization code add-on or opinion for security purposes.

4. As well so I have I have discord widget installed and set up with an enabled widget on my discord and added Server ID in, as well all of that but somehow it isn't showing up on the sidebar the discord. Not sure what am I missing. I had checked the introduction as well.

~ Thanks

1. There are a few different add ons available that can be used for this feature. Some of which include Extra Portal, CTA Featured Threads and Portal, XenPorta. You can do a search for these within the resource manager and take a look at the different solutions available to see what's most suitable for your forum's needs.

2. If you are starting out a new forum, go with XenForo 2.0. You benefit from both the features in XenForo 1.5.x and all the new 2.x features. XenForo 2.x is new and refreshed as well.

3. XenForo has Two-step verification built in to the software which can be enabled by users, and you can also require users to use this feature. It is outlined here: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/two-step-verification-and-security-improvements.99881/

4. You will need to paste full page screenshot of the widget's settings page and also paste a copy of the HTML code you are trying to place into the widget. Someone may be able to help troubleshoot this for you.
1. Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows what is that announcer add-on name? Like creating a thread then promoting to the article so it will be announced on the homepage.

2. As well I was wondering about between XF 1.5 and XF 2.0 which version usually is better.

3. Wonder If xenforo has an authorization code add-on or opinion for security purposes.

4. As well so I have I have discord widget installed and set up with an enabled widget on my discord and added Server ID in, as well all of that but somehow it isn't showing up on the sidebar the discord. Not sure what am I missing. I had checked the introduction as well.

~ Thanks

I suggest Xenforo 2 as it's the latest and most feature rich in my personal opinion. As the poster above said for Xenforo 2 you'll be looking at Xenporta 2 as an add-on for what you've mentioned you want to accomplish. CTA Featured Threads is only available for Xenforo 1 but Xenporta 2 is available for 2.0 and supports the features you just mentioned.

As for the discord widget. If your using Matt C. discord widget add-on I bet I know what the issue is.

When you got your server ID did you tick the widget setting to on? There's a setting in your server called widgets. You need to not only provide the server ID in the add-on but you'll also need to go to your server -> widgets -> and turn widgets to on. If widgets in your server aren't set to on then that would explain why it's not working. I made this mistake as well when I first set it up and it didn't show. But when I put widgets to on then it worked without any issue and worked perfectly. It should work then.

Good luck to you and I hope you find what your looking for in Xenforo. It's a very unique software and extremely user friendly with many add-ons. You'll enjoy it.
1. Oh yes, another problem using authorization code it seems like having set up with email doesn't seem to work. It wouldn't send me the code through email.

2. Yes, discord widget isn't working and yes I am using MattC discord widget add-on. To answer your question I do have server id in and as well widget enabled in the discord server. But it doesn't seem to be working.
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2. Yes, discord widget isn't working and yes I am using MattC discord widget add-on. To answer your question I do have server id in and as well widget enabled in the discord server. But it doesn't seem to be working.

That's odd. It worked for me without any issue. You can view my site in my signature to see an example of it working. Sorry to hear it's not working. Maybe @Matt C. could help.
That's odd. It worked for me without any issue. You can view my site in my signature to see an example of it working. Sorry to hear it's not working. Maybe @Matt C. could help.
Ah ok, but I wonder @Matt C. is even online. I have tried messaging him but he hasn't replied back in a few days.

And as well do you know why isn't email sending codes when you enable email authorization code?
Ah ok, but I wonder @Matt C. is even online. I have tried messaging him but he hasn't replied back in a few days.

You probably have but have you not physically added the widget in appearance -> widgets? On top of everything you said you did you need to also add the widget too physically.

And as well do you know why isn't email sending codes when you enable email authorization code?

And no I'm not sure you should try posting a separate thread in questions and support about the issue and maybe you will get some help. I have never used 2 factor authentication so I'm not exactly sure what your experiencing. I wish I could help.
ah ok and what do you mean about the widget I mean I have it enabled

Then that must explain your issue. You need to go into your admin panel and go to appearance -> widgets. From there your able to add any number of widgets you'd like but for this specific add-on you need to add a widget and select the [AH] Discord Widget definition.

Once you do that as long as the server ID is correct and widgets is enabled in your server it should work.
Then that must explain your issue. You need to go into your admin panel and go to appearance -> widgets. From there your able to add any number of widgets you'd like but for this specific add-on you need to add a widget and select the [AH] Discord Widget definition.

Once you do that as long as the server ID is correct and widgets is enabled in your server it should work.
I found it but are you sure it can be any widget number or what do you mean?

I had tried adding my widget 4 digit number but still doesn't seem to be showing up even trying putting on different positions.
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I assume this is from the Widget key (it doesn't matter actually).
I mean can't you read what it says?

You are clearly typing characters into the field, which are not from the English alphabet or numerals or the underscore _.
I assume you are using a space or a foreign language.
Just type in MyDiscordWidget.
I assume this is from the Widget key (it doesn't matter actually).
I mean can't you read what it says?

You are clearly typing characters into the field, which are not from the English alphabet or numerals or the underscore _.
I assume you are using a space or a foreign language.
Just type in MyDiscordWidget.
I just copy and paste the widget and also typing "MyDiscordWidget" doesn't seem to be working out.
I think you are doing something fundamentally wrong.

Either pm the owner of the addon and let him to access your forum with admin rights to look into it, or someone else.
Maybe @Brad Padgett who has it working. Or if nobody is willing, shoot me a pm.
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