Question before ordering

The current stable version is XenForo 1.5.13.

XenForo 2.0 is currently in alpha stages and must not be used for live installations, but if you feel confident using the command line you can install it to try it out and give feedback.
The current stable version is XenForo 1.5.13.

XenForo 2.0 is currently in alpha stages and must not be used for live installations, but if you feel confident using the command line you can install it to try it out and give feedback.
tanx chris
upgarde from 1.5 to 2 Correctly predicted?
i love xenforo 2 theme and if install xenforo 1.5 i need buy new theme for use. Because its structure is not beautiful in Persian RTL
you think ,What time is Stable Version 2?
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