Question about the search engine


Hi guys,

On our board (smf 2) we have been using the sphinx engine with this statistics:

758245 Posts in 24745 Topics by 420 Members.

And with this vps hardware:

Intel Xeon Quad Core E5620 @ 2.40GHz 4C 8T, 1ghz reserved
1gb ram
10gb space

At this time we have no problem, is the default search included in the forum enough for us?

I have seen an add on for using sphinx with xenforo, is it still in develop or it can be used in a production environment?

Thanks you in advance.
Hum, at what "limit" (approximately, obviously) we should switch to the elastic search official add on?

btw I guess we can can buy the add on later than the xf license, it's right?
With just 1GB RAM you might not have enough server resources to run Elastic Search. I'd recommend pricing additional RAM for your hosting package before taking the plunge on XFES. (y)

Shaun :D
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