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As your support forum is useless for posting support, I will ask do this here. You have an issue in Quark with nested sub-forums, as well as the description of sub-forums being pushed against the node icon.


As you can see, when a sub-forum has further sub-forums, the nice forum stats display stops working.

Oh... you also need to set the right margin for node title and description to the same width as the stats, to avoid this look by default:

Screen Shot 2012-11-08 at 2.59.38 PM.webp
Useless? Mind explaining? :) We have a ticket system for support.

I think this more of a fundamental design. I think this theme is required to be responsive by design. Wouldn't you agree? If it were responsive, I would just hide stuff and certain widths, which I believe is what Ill have to do. I can't think of a good way to do this otherwise.
Edited: Yer... problem is that images can't be uploaded via tickets it seems. Can't paying customers be bypassed from the anti-spam method?

What you mention about responsive... so happens I have done just that with parts of your template. The second issue is easily fixed by adding the same width of the stats to a right margin entry for the title and descriptions. That solves that one quick and easy.

The sub nesting issue, I believe is grabbing from another forum_node template... looking at that issue myself now. Most of the problems seem easily fixable with a few additional lines... regardless of whether taking it responsive or not. I'm using parts of it in my overall design, a bitza approach, all of which is responsive.
Sorry about that, our forum is custom. Rather our entire system is custom, trying to stay software neutral, but that definitely has its flaws. We're working on the issues like that day by day.

Okay, I will work on these as I work to make all my products responsive. I figured at a small enough width I would revert this from a two column structure back to a one, would you want that?
Yer, I have it doing that already at the trigger point of 700px, removing the float and back to a single column at that point.

Found the culprit: node_category_level_2 template for the sub-forum categorization.
Smart, Ill make sure thats reflected in the next patch. Thanks a lot, and sorry for the forum troubles I gave you. Any time wasted is not fair of me.
Audentio updated Quark with a new update entry:

Minor updates, responsive index

Hey all we've added a small update. We fixed the forums so that on smaller browser widths, the forums span out to a single column instead of two. We also fixed a couple other small issues such as alignment here and there. Only the .xml file and styles/quark/styles/gradients/category-23px-light.png was changed. Thanks!

Read the rest of this update entry...
There seem to be issues with the page numbers. Shown below:

Sweet thanks.

Two things I've notice:

1. On my iPhone the sidebar and the main content are a little too close together and the forum icon's get overlapped with the sidebar stuff.
2. When I hover over the nav links on the right the links shift a little. For example if I hover over "Alerts" the account and "Inbox" nav links move to the right a bit then move back into place.
Below is an example of #1, #2 would have to be shown as a video but I'm sure you can recreate yourself.


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