QQ: JDK Version for Elasticsearch


Well-known member
I am running Elasticsearch 7.6.2 on top of Java 11. When I upgraded to ES 7.6 from ES 6.8, I upgraded from Oracle JDK8 to OpenJDK 11 (both LTS versions).

Oracle just announced Java 14 (non-LTS) last month, with Java 17 (the next LTS version of Java) to be released in 2021.

My question is, is anyone using Elasticsearch with XenForo with a version of Java newer than Java 11? Just wondering if things are compatible.
I am and I think this is where my problems started :)
Not sure though, but everything was running fine until I did 'apt-get update' yesterday on Ubuntu.
Elasticsearch didn't start and I got this error.
node validation exception\n[1] bootstrap checks failed\n[1]: JVM is using the serial collector but should not be for the best performance; either it's the default for the VM [OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM] or -XX:+UseSerialGC was explicitly specified

To get things running I had to comment out -Des.enforce.bootstrap.checks=true from jvm.options
Interesting. I've updated a few times to the latest ES (7.7) and it's been working fine. Haven't updated Java past 11, though.

After updating ES, I always go in with a service elasticsearch restart and it has restarted just fine.
This is an old question with updated answers...

Elasticsearch JDK support options:

Oracle Java Support Roadmap:

Current (Older) LTS Java - Java 8 - Released: March 2014, Premier Support: March 2022, Extended Support: December 2030*
Current (New) LTS Java - Java 17 - Released: September 2021, Premier Support: September 2026*, Extended Support: September 2029*
Upcoming LTS Java - Java 21 - Releasing: September 2023, Premier Support: September 2028, Extended Support: September 2031

* - possibly longer

The latest Elasticsearch 8.5.3 (released Dec. 6, 2022) is said to support Java 17, Java 18, and Java 19. I have personally seen it running on Java 8 with no obvious issues, but it is officially not a supported java version for Elasticsearch since 8.0+.
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