XF 2.1 putting links into the footer


Active member
We have just upgraded from 1x -> 2.x and are slowly tweaking the design.

We would like to put a line of links to our other domains across the bottom of the footer.

When I open the footer template it looks completely different from the 1.x version and I really don't even know where to begin. I'm not a css guy and it seems this is what its calling for.

How can we put a link to our other site https://tribe.ca centered in the footer?

Sorry for the super n00b question here.
So the best thing to do is to create a template modification:

and in "Replace" you put in your links
<a href="xxx">xxx</a>
<a href="xxx">xxx</a>
<a href="xxx">xxx</a>
<a href="xxx">xxx</a>
<a href="xxx">xxx</a>
And why shouldn't I be able to if I am logged into as an Admin in Admin CP. Is there a reason for making such a simple (and I would imagine very common) modification so difficult?
Not necessarily. Another Super Administrator, perhaps the one who promoted you if you are not the owner, can restrict what permissions are given to other Super Administrators.

Nobody escalated me, but I will check again then on whether I have permissions to make template modifications. Where exactly is the permission for template modification switch located? In case I missed it somewhere else in the admin CP.
Nobody escalated me, but I will check again then on whether I have permissions to make template modifications. Where exactly is the permission for template modification switch located? In case I missed it somewhere else in the admin CP.

I am still administering some vBulletin forums and it appears I was confusing the two again. Restricting admin permissions is a vBulletin feature but apparently not a Xenforo feature:


Administrators are users that can access and perform actions within the administrator control panel. Making someone an administrator does not inherently give them additional access to the forum.

There are two types of administrators: super and regular. Super administrators always have access to all parts of the control panel and can add/remove other administrators. Regular administrators are controlled by the specific permissions applied to them. They are unable to add/remove administrators.
Even if we try to edit an existing (disabled ) template we get this error message. Also, in spite of what it says, none of the fields are editable.


  • template-error.webp
    79.1 KB · Views: 36
Even if we try to edit an existing (disabled ) template we get this error message. Also, in spite of what it says, none of the fields are editable.
Oh... I didn't realize that's the error you've been seeing./

You may need to enable Debug or Development mode:

Add this to the bottom of your config.php file:

// need debug = true for editing some cron jobs and some other features
$config['debug'] = true;

Important! Remember to disable this when you are finished:

// need debug = true for editing some cron jobs and some other features
// $config['debug'] = true;

Alternatively, this addon makes it easy to do this from your AdminCP without editing the config.php file:

Can you tell me what this was exactly? So we can see if it is the cause of our issue?

Sure. On that page when you get the error, in Chrome copy and paste the error from the Console (F12) here or to XF support.

If it is a ModSecurity issue, send it to your host and ask them to whitelist the rule that is causing it.
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I have enabled debug mode and we still can't create a template modification. How does this work exactly? We can edit the template directly but I am not sure if we should do this or not. Why is it so difficult to just put a link or two in the footer?

Why is it that when I install an add on - like the S9 media links thing for example, it creates all kinds of template modifications (without any kind of privilege escalation), yet I as an Admin with super admin rights and config permission, can't make template modifications? Isn't that a security thing?

The manual isn't clear on doing simple template modifications, potential error messages are not detailed, and neither are explanations given as to how to overcome the errors to actually create a template modification.
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I can't even edit the s9 media plugin template modification to swap out their footer URL for the one I want to use. I am trying everything here.


  • S9 error edit.webp
    S9 error edit.webp
    76.6 KB · Views: 26
I guess since third party seem to be able to modify xf templates easily, perhaps I should also ask if an add-on exists specifically for this purpose, because it would be a huge time saver - minutes instead of weeks.
When I click the template modifications link in Admin CP, this is what I see. There is no 'add modification' button. The existing modifications by add-ons are there in the list, but they are uneditable.

How do I create a modification so it shows up in this list?


  • no way to add modifications.webp
    no way to add modifications.webp
    36.2 KB · Views: 20
@Brogan I am not sure I understand this template modification thing. If I edit the template directly, does it automatically create a modification that shows up in the list above ^ , or does it alter the master template directly and not show it as modified?
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