Purchased Xenforo!


Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to drop a line and say our organization purchased Xenforo yesterday and I am currently setting the forum up. I have been administrating forums for our organization for a while now, going from a CGI based forum (forgot the name) to IPB to Kunena (aye a mistake) now to Xenforo. IPB wasn't bad, but not nearly as clean as this one. We are running a Joomla! site, but all the Joomla! forums are pretty poor compared to this.

We pondered the switch for a while, realizing we were not going to be able to save the Kunena posts. However, when we switched to Kunena, we lost a lot of activity. This is our way of starting fresh.

We are running the forum off a dedicated server from HostGator running Windows 2008. It took some work to get it running right, but at least we did.

Anyways, I look forward to future developments of Xenforo and when I get my site finished up I will show it off in the right forum!
Nice to see you went with XenForo, have a great time posting on your community.
Thanks for the warm welcome.

I did see the Jfusion however we use Joomla 1.6 which isnt supported yet as its a one man show (at jfusion). Ah well.
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