XF 2.2 Progressive Web App (PWA) start screen - icon is very small


Well-known member
Well, I had been installing PWA on my Android phone (Samsung Note 9 / Chrome).
The icon size was "ok" on the start screen.

Today I reset my Chrome and re-install the PWA. For an unknown reason, the icon turned to even (very very) smaller and I don't know the reason, since, I didn't have change something on the PWA settings.

Here is some info:
A) My current start screen (see how small is the icon) :

B) My 512x512 pwa icon:

C) My 192x192 pwa icon:

Any idea how to achieve to make the icon bigger?
Important notice - question:
I read here that we should provide the following icon sizes:
For android:

For iOS:

I know that xF2.2 provides only 192 and 512 versions of the icon. Maybe this is the problem?

Thanks in advance for any help :)
But reading better I had a similar problem.
This succeed me when I tried to add the right icon that fit better in the screen, changing the size of the icon for testing. The system store the previous icon I had add it so that also if I was changing the icon size to test it, I didn't see the real icon size I had loaded before.
So it seems that the system show what is stored in the cache, so I uninstall and reinstall the app and see the real changes.
In my case I saw the little icon I had before also if I had loaded one more big and after I uninstall the app and reinstall it again I have found the new better icon (with the right size) I added later.
his is succeeded right this morning. So I hope this can help.
No sorry, but I remember we make many test to fix this. So I have cheched and this has worked in my case. Try to add a png logo in size 381x381 where is asked to add the one 512x512 then unistall and reinstall the app on your mobile. To me as worked.
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