That may be a bug, but that's completing a thread deletion task. The only standard method of triggering it is to delete a forum.
You would need to do a fresh install to redo any part of an import. You should look at the admin log to see when a forum was deleted. An admin must have done it.
This add-on might allow you to do a partial import:
Have never tried doing it after deleting nodes/threads though. It might only work on things that were never imported in the first place.
public function execute(array $deferred, array $data, $targetRunTime, &$status)
public function execute(array $deferred, array $data, $targetRunTime, &$status)
throw new Exception("ThreadDelete is not allowed");
An exception occurred: ThreadDelete is not allowed in /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/Deferred/ThreadDelete.php on line 7
[*]XenForo_Deferred_ThreadDelete->execute() in XenForo/Model/Deferred.php at line 197
[*]XenForo_Model_Deferred->runDeferred() in XenForo/Model/Deferred.php at line 320
[*]XenForo_Model_Deferred->_runInternal() in XenForo/Model/Deferred.php at line 273
[*]XenForo_Model_Deferred->run() in XenForo/ViewRenderer/Abstract.php at line 352
[*]XenForo_ViewRenderer_Abstract::hasManualDeferredToRun() in XenForo/ViewRenderer/HtmlAdmin.php at line 50
[*]XenForo_ViewRenderer_HtmlAdmin->renderRedirect() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 583
[*]XenForo_FrontController->renderView() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 158
[*]XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/admin/public_html/demo/admin.php at line 13
The deferred task is there, and it is being triggered by Configure, but it was not added by the Blogs Import process.I went ahead and did as you said. I replaced the vBulletin.php file and the File Health no longer showed it. I also added the above code to deny ThreadDelete.
I then reuploaded Better Blogs and the .xml file. The file installed fine. Then, I went and filled in the database details for the import. Clicking Configure gave the following error:
Code:An exception occurred: ThreadDelete is not allowed in /home/spider7/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/Deferred/ThreadDelete.php on line 7 [LIST=1] [*]XenForo_Deferred_ThreadDelete->execute() in XenForo/Model/Deferred.php at line 197 [*]XenForo_Model_Deferred->runDeferred() in XenForo/Model/Deferred.php at line 320 [*]XenForo_Model_Deferred->_runInternal() in XenForo/Model/Deferred.php at line 273 [*]XenForo_Model_Deferred->run() in XenForo/ViewRenderer/Abstract.php at line 352 [*]XenForo_ViewRenderer_Abstract::hasManualDeferredToRun() in XenForo/ViewRenderer/HtmlAdmin.php at line 50 [*]XenForo_ViewRenderer_HtmlAdmin->renderRedirect() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 583 [*]XenForo_FrontController->renderView() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 158 [*]XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/spider7/public_html/demo/admin.php at line 13 [/LIST]
Line 7 of ThreadDelete.php is of course the code added, mentioned above. I took at the error files, but I don't really know what I'm looking for.
Edit: on this demo board, when I go back to import external data for the blogs, it gives an import in progress message. I click continue import and it's now letting me import (seemingly) properly.
It seems to me that it has something to do with configuring the import database details.
class XenForo_Deferred_ThreadDelete extends XenForo_Deferred_Abstract
class XenForo_Deferred_ThreadDelete extends XenForo_Deferred_Abstract
public function __construct()
throw new Exception("Adding a ThreadDelete is not alowed");
Error Info
Exception: ThreadDelete is not allowed - library/XenForo/Deferred/ThreadDelete.php:7
Generated By: Daniel, 31 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(197): XenForo_Deferred_ThreadDelete->execute(Array, Array, 8.43266201019, '')
#1 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(320): XenForo_Model_Deferred->runDeferred(Array, 8.43266201019, '', false)
#2 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(273): XenForo_Model_Deferred->_runInternal(Array, 8.43266510963, '', false)
#3 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/Abstract.php(352): XenForo_Model_Deferred->run(true, 8.43266510963)
#4 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/HtmlAdmin.php(50): XenForo_ViewRenderer_Abstract::hasManualDeferredToRun()
#5 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(583): XenForo_ViewRenderer_HtmlAdmin->renderRedirect(4, 'http://www.writ...', NULL, Array)
#6 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(158): XenForo_FrontController->renderView(Object(XenForo_ControllerResponse_Redirect), Object(XenForo_ViewRenderer_HtmlAdmin), Array)
#7 /home/admin/public_html/demo/admin.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run() #8 {main}
Request State
array(3) { ["url"] => string(57) "" ["_GET"] => array(1) { ["import/config"] => string(0) "" } ["_POST"] => array(3) { ["config"] => array(3) { ["db"] => array(7) { ["host"] => string(9) "localhost" ["port"] => string(4) "3306" ["username"] => string(15) "dbusername" ["password"] => string(11) "dbpass" ["dbname"] => string(21) "dbname" ["prefix"] => string(2) "prefix" ["charset"] => string(0) "" } ["blogsAttachmentPath"] => string(6) "images" ["retain_keys"] => string(1) "1" } ["importer"] => string(38) "XfAddOns_Blogs_Importer_BlogsVbulletin" ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********" } }
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF, expecting T_FUNCTION in /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/Deferred/ThreadDelete.php on line 12
class XenForo_Deferred_ThreadDelete extends XenForo_Deferred_Abstract
public function __construct()
throw new Exception("Adding a ThreadDelete is not allowed");
public function execute(array $deferred, array $data, $targetRunTime, &$status)
throw new Exception("ThreadDelete is not allowed");
if (!isset($data['conditions']))
$data = array('conditions' => $data);
Okay, so I tried it two more times.
The first time it was before I implemented your latest edit. I got the first error, went back to import external data, and was able to import it. However, after the import 1/2 the forum posts were missing (seemingly from ThreadDelete, but there was no additional log and the edit should have prevented that). I haven't tried to replicate this yet, but I probably will while monitoring the tables in xf_deferred.
The second time I implemented both ThreadDelete.php edits and got the error in the above post (without it logged in the admincp). I was still able to import the data. I did that, and it imported successfully, without any missing posts, seemingly done correctly.
Two differences: one time has with the first ThreadDelete.php edit and the other was with boh edits.
The second difference is that I clicked import attachments when there was no attachment to import (dummy directory), the second time I skipped the import attachments button (as I should in this case).
Could the attempted import of blog attachments, when they don't exist, be linked to the main cause? That would explain this particular success, though not when the problem occurs with the configuration (unless the use of a dummy attachment directory in configure is also tied to the issue).
The fact that there are 26 entries on that xf_deferred table means that they will run, sometime.
You notice them being started when you do the Blogs Import, but they could've been started by another action instead, they could be started anytime, no matter if you are in configure, attachments, or something else.
I would just delete all entries from that deferred table. Especially the ones programmed to delete threads at a later date.
Well, the edits to ThreadDelete are preventing anything new from being added ...The entries in the deferred table where there on the test I did when I mentioned it, but they didn't show up in the database during the last two attempts (with the edits to ThreadDelete.php).
Error Info
Exception: Adding a ThreadDelete is not alowed - library/XenForo/Deferred/ThreadDelete.php:9
Generated By: Daniel, 1 minute ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/Deferred/Abstract.php(26): XenForo_Deferred_ThreadDelete->__construct()
#1 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(59): XenForo_Deferred_Abstract::create('ThreadDelete')
#2 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/Application.php(1246): XenForo_Model_Deferred->defer('ThreadDelete', Array, 'threadDelete_6', true, NULL) #3 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/DataWriter/Forum.php(93): XenForo_Application::defer('ThreadDelete', Array, 'threadDelete_6', true)
#4 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1767): XenForo_DataWriter_Forum->_postDelete()
#5 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/Model/Node.php(1148): XenForo_DataWriter->delete()
#6 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/DataWriter/Node.php(245): XenForo_Model_Node->deleteChildNodes(Array, false)
#7 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1767): XenForo_DataWriter_Node->_postDelete()
#8 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Import.php(73): XenForo_DataWriter->delete()
#9 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(337): XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Import->actionConfig()
#10 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch)) #11 /home/admin/public_html/demo/admin.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#12 {main}
Request State
array(3) { ["url"] => string(57) "" ["_GET"] => array(1) { ["import/config"] => string(0) "" } ["_POST"] => array(3) { ["config"] => array(3) { ["db"] => array(7) { ["host"] => string(9) "localhost" ["port"] => string(4) "3306" ["username"] => string(15) "dbusername" ["password"] => string(11) "dbpassword" ["dbname"] => string(21) "dbname" ["prefix"] => string(2) "prefix" ["charset"] => string(0) "" } ["blogsAttachmentPath"] => string(6) "images" ["retain_keys"] => string(1) "1" } ["importer"] => string(38) "XfAddOns_Blogs_Importer_BlogsVbulletin" ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********" } }
The fact that there are 26 entries on that xf_deferred table means that they will run, sometime.
You notice them being started when you do the Blogs Import, but they could've been started by another action instead, they could be started anytime, no matter if you are in configure, attachments, or something else.
I would just delete all entries from that deferred table. Especially the ones programmed to delete threads at a later date.
Error Info
ErrorException: Undefined offset: 33687 - library/XfAddOns/Blogs/Model/BlogKey.php:44
Generated By: Unknown Account, 11 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XfAddOns/Blogs/Model/BlogKey.php(44): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined offse...', '/home/admin/p...', 44, Array)
#1 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XfAddOns/Blogs/Cron/CreateBlogKeys.php(43): XfAddOns_Blogs_Model_BlogKey->getBlogKey(Array)
#2 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XfAddOns/Blogs/Cron/CreateBlogKeys.php(17): XfAddOns_Blogs_Cron_CreateBlogKeys->processKeys()
#3 [internal function]: XfAddOns_Blogs_Cron_CreateBlogKeys::runBlogKeys(Array)
#4 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/Model/Cron.php(356): call_user_func(Array, Array)
#5 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/Deferred/Cron.php(20): XenForo_Model_Cron->runEntry(Array)
#6 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(197): XenForo_Deferred_Cron->execute(Array, Array, 9.99999904633, '')
#7 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(320): XenForo_Model_Deferred->runDeferred(Array, 9.99999904633, '', false)
#8 /home/admin/public_html/demo/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(273): XenForo_Model_Deferred->_runInternal(Array, NULL, '', false) #9 /home/admin/public_html/demo/deferred.php(15): XenForo_Model_Deferred->run(false)
#10 {main}
Request State
array(3) { ["url"] => string(46) "" ["_GET"] => array(0) { } ["_POST"] => array(3) { ["_xfRequestUri"] => string(6) "/demo/" ["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1" ["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json" } }
rror Info
ErrorException: Undefined variable: forum - library/WidgetFramework/WidgetRenderer.php(452) : runtime-created function:1
Generated By: ledeUnsuddy, Today at 2:52 PM
Stack Trace
#0 /home/admin/public_html/library/WidgetFramework/WidgetRenderer.php(452) : runtime-created function(1): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined varia...', '/home/admin/p...', 1, Array)
#1 [internal function]: __lambda_func(Array)
#2 /home/admin/public_html/library/WidgetFramework/WidgetRenderer.php(456): call_user_func('?lambda_1', Array)
#3 /home/admin/public_html/library/WidgetFramework/WidgetRenderer.php(542): WidgetFramework_WidgetRenderer->_executeExpression('in_array($forum...', Array)
#4 /home/admin/public_html/library/WidgetFramework/Core.php(335): WidgetFramework_WidgetRenderer->render(Array, 'forum_list', Array, Object(XenForo_Template_Public), '??????????????<...')
#5 /home/admin/public_html/library/WidgetFramework/Core.php(246): WidgetFramework_Core->_renderWidgetsFor('forum_list', Array, Object(XenForo_Template_Public), '????????????<!-...')
#6 /home/admin/public_html/library/WidgetFramework/Listener.php(51): WidgetFramework_Core->renderWidgetsFor('forum_list', Array, Object(XenForo_Template_Public), Array)
#7 [internal function]: WidgetFramework_Listener::template_post_render('forum_list', '????????????<ol...', Array, Object(XenForo_Template_Public))
#8 /home/admin/public_html/library/XenForo/CodeEvent.php(58): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#9 /home/admin/public_html/library/XenForo/Template/Abstract.php(195): XenForo_CodeEvent::fire('template_post_r...', Array, 'forum_list')
#10 /home/admin/public_html/library/XenForo/Template/Public.php(110): XenForo_Template_Abstract->render()
#11 /home/admin/public_html/library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/HtmlPublic.php(119): XenForo_Template_Public->render()
#12 /home/admin/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(604): XenForo_ViewRenderer_HtmlPublic->renderContainer(Object(XenForo_Template_Public), Array)
#13 /home/admin/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(158): XenForo_FrontController->renderView(Object(XenForo_ControllerResponse_View), Object(XenForo_ViewRenderer_HtmlPublic), Array)
#14 /home/admin/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run() #15 {main}
Request State
array(3) { ["url"] => string(29) "" ["_GET"] => array(0) { } ["_POST"] => array(0) { } }
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