XF 2.2 Problem with Censoring Options


Active member
i am facing some issue

when i replace something in censor its gives error but sometimes its save most of time not nothing displayed in error log

here is screen print

What errors are in the browser console?
there is complete html page but at the end of page i see this

active_user_changed_reload_page: "The active user has changed. Reload the page for the latest version.",
server_did_not_respond_in_time_try_again: "The server did not respond in time. Please try again.",
oops_we_ran_into_some_problems: "Oops! We ran into some problems.",
oops_we_ran_into_some_problems_more_details_console: "Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console.",
file_too_large_to_upload: "The file is too large to be uploaded.",
uploaded_file_is_too_large_for_server_to_process: "The uploaded file is too large for the server to process.",
files_being_uploaded_are_you_sure: "Files are still being uploaded. Are you sure you want to submit this form?",
attach: "Attach files",
rich_text_box: "Rich text box",
close: "Close",
link_copied_to_clipboard: "Link copied to clipboard.",
text_copied_to_clipboard: "Text copied to clipboard.",
loading: "Loading…",
you_have_exceeded_maximum_number_of_selectable_items: "You have exceeded the maximum number of selectable items.",

processing: "Processing",
'processing...': "Processing…",

showing_x_of_y_items: "Showing {count} of {total} items",
showing_all_items: "Showing all items",
no_items_to_display: "No items to display",

number_button_up: "Increase",
number_button_down: "Decrease",

push_enable_notification_title: "Push notifications enabled successfully at - seoforum.io",
push_enable_notification_body: "Thank you for enabling push notifications!"
<form style="display:none" hidden="hidden">
<input type="text" name="_xfClientLoadTime" value="" id="_xfClientLoadTime" title="_xfClientLoadTime" tabindex="-1" />
jQuery.extend(true, XF.config, {
job: {
manualUrl: "/admin.php?tools/run-job"
visitorCounts: null
jQuery.extend(XF.phrases, {
cancel: "Cancel",
cancelling: "Cancelling",
no_items_matched_your_filter: "No items matched your filter."
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