XF 2.3 Problem sending messages


Hi all.

Tell me, updated to 2.3. And now in some nodes, when sending a message in a topic, the following thing happens as in screenshot 1. That is. after clicking the reply button, it transfers to a separate window with a preview of the message, and the text remains in the editor, the message appears, but you need to refresh the topic to see it.

In addition, when replying to someone else’s message, it also redirects to a new page (completely different, screenshot 2).

The question is, is it still some kind of setting that has disappeared after the update, or some plugin may be disrupting the sending of the message

We checked that all plugins were disabled - the problem remained.


  • Снимок экрана 2024-07-19 221358.webp
    Снимок экрана 2024-07-19 221358.webp
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  • image.webp
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Try using the XenForo original style ; it's likely that some custom code or outdated templates are causing the issue.
Thank you, really something with style. It's worth Flat Awesome, I see that it's already available on 2.3. I understand correctly that the old style is 2.3. won't work? If so, maybe tell me where I can “dig” what’s wrong?
If the version of the style you used is not compatible with 2.3 you've only 2 solutions:
  1. update if a 2.3 version available
  2. disable it
Unless you can edit the style templates but it's a job.
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