XF 2.2 Exclusion of a sub-forum for sending messages without first approval


Active member
I defined that a group of new users [so-called registered users], cannot send content without administrator permission.
However, I want one specific category for them to be able to post content without permission. Is there such a possibility? I did not find.
Thanks for any information
I don't understand what you mean by "send" content without administrator permission. The post content without permission is simple.

The permission is labeled under general permissions.

Submit content without approval

submit content without approval.webp
Not for one user group.

There is a per node setting to moderate all threads or posts but it applies to everyone.
If I understand correctly, this setting affects users whose user or group settings are configured to be able to send content without approval, and with the setting you mentioned, a sub-forum can be excluded, so that all posts there only will need approval.
But there is no way to do it the other way around. That is, users whose group definition cannot send content without permission in my entire forum, and the exclusion of a specific sub-forum so that all users and all groups can send content there without permission. Right?
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