XF 1.5 Private Messages - Delete specific conversation_id


Active member
I came from vbulletin and many old messages have 500 participants because old system vb.

I try to delete the conversation_id inxf_conversation_master phpmyadmin is about 10 messages(conversation_id) so is easy to delete in and works the message disappear but wen xenforo launch an update they appear again.
So what is the best aproach to delete one conversation_id forever?
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This is an bug that XF can fix for the import from vb, because wen a user try to respond to one user they respond to all 500 users in the message, because the old vb system i think.
Only happened to all mesages sent by control panel vb (admin).
Any help?

This is causing problems to my server, because wen a user respond to an old private message (vb) with 1000 recipient_count the server send 1000 emails....
There isn't a bug here, there are just differences between how the systems work so the behaviour may be different to what is expected in some cases.

If the mass conversations were mostly started by the same user(s) then you can go into the Admin CP and edit the user who started the PMs and in the menu on the top right there is a "Delete Conversations" link.

That will properly delete all conversations started by those users.

There's no date limit, though, so it will literally delete all of the conversations started by the user.

If that's problematic then you need to bear in mind that we cannot provide support or recommend taking actions for manipulating the database directly. But if you were to do that then you would need to delete records matching the relevant conversation IDs from all of these tables:
  • xf_conversation_master
  • xf_conversation_recipient
  • xf_conversation_user
  • xf_conversation_message
It will also leave orphaned records if the messages contain attachments.

If you were to edit the DB directly, you'd need to make sure you took relevant precautions such as taking backups.
Ok, but i dont want to delete all messages because is 2 admins.

Another approach is going to xf_conversation_master and edit the specific conversation_id and put the conversation_open to 0, so this way the users cant reply to this messages (can see but cant reply)
Is safety to do this?
Wow i have more than 600 messages that have more than 10 in the recipient_count.

There is a sql query to edit all messages in the xf_conversation_master have equal or more then "10" in the recipient_count to edit the conversation_open to "0" ?
I appreciate for this help, because is to much 600 messages to edit manually :(
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