XF 2.2 Print & "Click to expand.."


Is there a way to automatically expand all bockquotes when printing a post/article? It makes no sense to print the "Click to expand.." message instead of the whole blockquote.

I tried clicking the paper printout but nothing happens.. :rolleyes:
I resolved (or actually, avoided) the issue by setting the Maximum expandable BB code block height to a very high value so blocks are never collapsed in the first place.
There isn't really any other way to avoid the issue out of the box short of that. It would likely be possible with custom print-related CSS rules, though this isn't something that's included by default.
There isn't really any other way to avoid the issue out of the box short of that. It would likely be possible with custom print-related CSS rules, though this isn't something that's included by default.
Talking about printing and CSS rules, it may be a good idea to add few basic common sense CSS rules to the standard installation to tidy up the printing of articles and other threads. Here's what I added to extra.less, in case it helps other people to get started:
@media print {
    { display: none; }
    { padding-bottom: 1em; }
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