XF 1.1 Posting Amazon S3 hosted video??

I want to post amazon s3 hosted videos in my forum but I can't see a way to do it, by using the code tags it just displays the code.

I am using ezs3 to host and a typical code looks like:

<script type="text/javascript">
var playerhost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://lbdebunked.s3.amazonaws.com/ezs3js/secure/" : "http://lbdebunked.s3.amazonaws.com/ezs3js/player/");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + playerhost + "flv/E0B7930F-BA9A-0F89-623FB8020ADFB4FC.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));

I will shortly be converting a vb3.8 forum with over 200 videos so I really need this to work
How can i display this???
Anyone know if this will be possible? I have a team on standby to do a test migration tomorrow and a full migration on sunday if we can get it to work

I also have the option of using the following code on some of the videos

<embed src="http://ezs3.s3.amazonaws.com/player/mediaplayer46.swf"
width="600" height="465"
allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"
flashvars="autostart=false&controlbar=bottom&type=video&abouttext=eZs3&aboutlink=http://www.ezs3.com/about/index.cfm?memref=exmachina&skin=http://ezs3.s3.amazonaws.com/player/Snel2.swf&controlbar=bottom&stretching=none&allowfullscreen=true&wmode=opaque&file=http://d25tsh9jn8tgm2.cloudfront.net/VCMIntro.mp4&width=600&height=495&screencolor=000000&bufferlength=10&volume=80&showicons=true&plugins=gapro-1&gapro.accountid=UA-1206602-57&gapro.trackstarts=true&gapro.trackpercentage=true&gapro.tracktime=true" />
Thanks Brogan, I used the Parse HTML add on and It now displays videos in either format, It will still require us to change the code on over 200 videos...but at least it's not a complete game stopper
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