Post reply messed up


Active member


I dont know what it happened but my xenforo looks very messed up.

One that

And now that one also, i can not post replies to any post, there is no reply box text and there is that freaking bar which whatever i click, doesn't do anything. Also the share area looks weird.

Edit: when i click Go, i get The controller XenForo_ControllerPublic_InlineMod_Post does not define an action called Index.

Any fixed for those?....
I just had a quick look using the admin login you provided.

There is nothing wrong with the basic functionality of your site, including loading JavaScript.
Whatever problems you are having are either local browser issues or related to add-ons.
You have a lot of add-ons installed so I suspect there may be some conflicts somewhere between some of them.

You also have some outdated templates which you need to revert and reapply any edits to.
Hmm...yes, ill try to disable the most of those addons then...

Yup those outdated templates are from an old version of my template, the Beta 6, i use Social RC1 (actually that also might be the problem????) maybe i should update to RC2 Social template

pff again

annoying message when i am trying to change the password :(
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