Post Ratings - taking likes to the next level [Deleted]

Can removing ratings by moderators (users with permission) from posts be logged somewhere? In moderator log or something like that?
What was the problem here?

Server Error Logs
  1. Delete...
    Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting '(' Monday at 5:25 AM - library/Dark/PostRating/Model.php:277

Error Info

ErrorException: Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting '(' - library/Dark/PostRating/Model.php:277
Generated By: Unknown Account, Monday at 5:25 AM

Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(57) "http://***********.***/*****/index.php?find-new/9016/posts"
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["find-new/9016/posts"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(0) {
But everything is created by a template, so how can it not be possible to edit the proper template/s to make the changes we desire?

The data needed to display who has rated a post rather than just counts is not fetched for efficiency reasons, so it is not available to templates

Can removing ratings by moderators (users with permission) from posts be logged somewhere? In moderator log or something like that?

Currently there is no log, I've noted this for a future update

What was the problem here?

That error would suggest a truncated file. If it is not recurring and only shows up a couple of times in your error log, it is likely to have occurred while you were updating
Last edited:
I've installed PostRating for Xenforo 1.2 but the box rating don't show under the thread. Permissions are ok.
Maybe I missed a step ? Are there manual template changes needed?
I've installed PostRating for Xenforo 1.2 but the box rating don't show under the thread. Permissions are ok.
Maybe I missed a step ? Are there manual template changes needed?

You aren't going to see them on your posts. Only on other members posts.
Is it possible to hide the name of the person who disagree or give negative ratings.
If not please add that as a feature because bad rating with name will lead to big fights within members.
Hi, is this add-on enabled board-wide? Would it be possible to enable this add-on to only a certain forums while disabling the others or vice versa?
Is it possible to hide the name of the person who disagree or give negative ratings.
If not please add that as a feature because bad rating with name will lead to big fights within members.

This can be done with template edits (see template dark_postrating_detail)

Hi, is this add-on enabled board-wide? Would it be possible to enable this add-on to only a certain forums while disabling the others or vice versa?

It's not possible to restore the built in like system for forums where it is not enabled, but you can easily use xenforo's node permissions system to disable ratings entirely in certain forums
@Luke Foreman according to our host, this query which ran on the server last night was hanging for some time, breaking AVForums:
insert into dark_postrating_count set user_id = '648116', rating = '3', count_given = 1 on duplicate key update count_given = count_given + 1
Does this query look ok to you? Any ideas why it would hang?
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