If you have a 'like rating' set in the post ratings options, then firstly do a fresh import from vb thanks in case any ratings have been converted to likes already. Then set 'like rating' to 'disabled'.
Then just run these queries against your database - they are the equivalent to running recount ratings with 'like rating' disabled:
truncate table dark_postrating_count
insert into dark_postrating_count
(user_id, rating, count_received) (
SELECT rated_user_id, rating, count(*) as count_received
FROM dark_postrating
inner join xf_post on dark_postrating.post_id = xf_post.post_id
where rated_user_id is not null and rated_user_id > 0 and xf_post.message_state = 'visible'
group by rated_user_id, rating
) on duplicate key update dark_postrating_count.count_received = values(count_received)
insert into dark_postrating_count
(user_id, rating, count_given) (
SELECT dark_postrating.user_id, rating, count(*) as count_given
FROM dark_postrating
inner join xf_post on dark_postrating.post_id = xf_post.post_id
where xf_post.message_state = 'visible'
group by dark_postrating.user_id, rating
) on duplicate key update dark_postrating_count.count_given = values(count_given)
The latter two queries could take several minutes to complete on larger databases