Post Ratings - taking likes to the next level [Deleted]

Hello @Luke Foreman I really want to buy this addon and I have a question for you:

Is it possible to implement the new post ratings only in the first post? or at least have different ratings only for the first post? I read somewhere in the thread that it could be possible but I just want to hear it from the developer.
@Luke Foreman , any update on the search function? For example: search for 'best answer' rating would be great.
It's been asked several times before, you were aiming for another addon, but does it really need to be that?
It's 1 extra option for Search box and 1 extra table to search through.
Please comment, desperately need this.
Unfortunately, I can't provide any real details for this issue, since I'm not 100% sure how it happened, I've tried to replicate it again, but I was able to rate a post on TAZ twice.View attachment 89564

The post was this one:

Just thought it was odd, and figured I'd point it out. Wish I could give you more details about how I did this, but sadly I'm not sure. I didn't realize I had already rated the post and it showed all the rating icons so I rated it again.
i wish that was a feature. id LOVE it if members could leave multiple ratings per post.
That error would appear to be a conflict with another addon rather than an issue with PHP 5.5.8

As a workaround you can replace all 3 instances of 'array $forum' in library/dark/postrating/model.php with 'array $forum = array()' - this will not affect any functionality
On latest version of this addon 1.6.6, XF 1.4.3, PHP 5.6.3 as well as @xfrocks Widget framework and still have these errors with debug on.
I see that the changes are made in the latest addon version.
The template that caused the error is wf_widget_threads
<xen:if is="{$layout} == 'sidebar'">

    <xen:if hascontent="true">
        <div class="avatarList">
                    <xen:if is="{$widget.options.type} == 'recent' OR {$widget.options.type} == 'latest_replies'">

                        <xen:foreach loop="$threads" value="$thread">
                            <xen:include template="wf_widget_threads_thread_sidebar">
                                <xen:set var="$_threadLink">{xen:if '{$visitor.user_id} > 0', {xen:link threads/unread, $thread}, {xen:link posts, {xen:array 'post_id={$thread.last_post_id}'}}}</xen:set>
                                <xen:set var="$_secondRow">
                                    {xen:phrase wf_x_replied, 'user=<a href="{xen:link 'members', $thread}" class="username">{$thread.username}</a>'} <xen:datetime time="{$thread.last_post_date}" />

                    <xen:elseif is="{$widget.options.type} == 'most_replied'" />

                        <xen:foreach loop="$threads" value="$thread">
                            <xen:include template="wf_widget_threads_thread_sidebar">
                                <xen:set var="$_secondRow">
                                    {xen:phrase wf_x_posted, 'user=<a href="{xen:link 'members', {$thread}}" class="username">{$thread.username}</a>'}, {xen:phrase replies}: {xen:number $thread.reply_count}

                    <xen:elseif is="{$widget.options.type} == 'most_liked'" />

                        <xen:foreach loop="$threads" value="$thread">
                            <xen:include template="wf_widget_threads_thread_sidebar">
                                <xen:set var="$_secondRow">
                                    {xen:phrase wf_x_posted, 'user=<a href="{xen:link 'members', {$thread}}" class="username">{$thread.username}</a>'},
                                    {xen:phrase likes}: <a href="{xen:link 'posts/likes', {xen:array 'post_id={$thread.first_post_id}'}}" class="OverlayTrigger">{xen:number $thread.first_post_likes}</a>

                    <xen:else />

                        <xen:foreach loop="$threads" value="$thread">
                            <xen:include template="wf_widget_threads_thread_sidebar">
                                <xen:set var="$_secondRow">
                                    {xen:phrase wf_x_posted, 'user=<a href="{xen:link 'members', {$thread}}" class="username">{$thread.username}</a>'} <xen:datetime time="{$thread.post_date}" />


        <xen:include template="preview_tooltip" />

<xen:elseif is="{$layout} == 'list'" />
    <xen:if hascontent="true">
        <div class="discussionList">
            <div class="DiscussionList">

                <dl class="sectionHeaders">
                    <dt class="posterAvatar"><a><span>&nbsp;</span></a></dt>
                    <dd class="main">
                        <a class="title"><span>{xen:phrase title}</span></a>
                        <a class="postDate"><span>{xen:phrase start_date}</span></a>
                    <dd class="stats">
                        <a class="major"><span>{xen:phrase replies}</span></a>
                        <a class="minor"><span>{xen:phrase views}</span></a>
                    <dd class="lastPost"><a><span>{xen:phrase last_message}</span></a></dd>

                <ol class="discussionListItems">
                        <xen:foreach loop="$threads" value="$thread">
                            <xen:include template="thread_list_item" />


        <xen:include template="preview_tooltip" />

<xen:elseif is="{$layout} == 'full'" />

    <xen:if hascontent="true">
        <div class="WidgetFramework_WidgetRenderer_Threads_FullThreadList">

                <xen:foreach loop="$threads" value="$thread">
                    <xen:include template="wf_widget_threads_thread_full" />
                    <xen:edithint template="wf_widget_threads_thread_full_info" />

        <xen:edithint template="message" />
        <xen:edithint template="wf_default.css" />

  1. Argument 2 passed to Dark_PostRating_Model::canRatePost() must be of the type array, null given, called in /home/nginx/domains/ on line 45 and defined in /home/nginx/domains/, line 592
  2. Argument 3 passed to Dark_PostRating_Model::canRatePost() must be of the type array, null given, called in /home/nginx/domains/ on line 45 and defined in /home/nginx/domains/, line 592
  3. Argument 2 passed to Dark_PostRating_Model::canViewRatingListForPost() must be of the type array, null given, called in /home/nginx/domains/ on line 46 and defined in /home/nginx/domains/, line 616
  4. Argument 3 passed to Dark_PostRating_Model::canViewRatingListForPost() must be of the type array, null given, called in /home/nginx/domains/ on line 46 and defined in /home/nginx/domains/, line 616
@Luke Foreman
I may have found a small bug / incompatibility between Post Ratings and the XenForo Resource Manager. A user on a forum I use pointed that when he checked his post ratings from the Resource Manager, it only showed a fraction of the positive ratings he had, and no neutral / negative ratings.

I looked at his profile, and the 566 positive ratings he had were only 'likes', which makes me think it's a small incompatibility between the Resource Manager and Post Ratings.

Original Thread:


I don't know if this has been mentioned earlier, but several of my members are asking if it would be possible to 'hide' the ratings (everyone except 'Like') in a drop-down menu on touch screens/mobile phones. There has been quite a lot of wrong ratings given, because they are too close to each other on small screens.
This is still a problem, please look into it! Lots of members are having problems on iPads and small screens - the icons are too close!
havent really tested it well, but you could try adding this css:
.dark_postrating_inputlist li {
padding: 5px !important;
(play with the 5px as needed)
Sorry if this had been addressed, but I've been looking for ages & haven't found the answer. Can someone please help me to remove the "likes received" but leave the "ratings"? We would LOVE to remove the green bar as well if that's possible. Thanks!

Please help me change the color in the small menu that appears when you click on list to find out the users who liked/rated the post.

The current color is hardly visible to read as shown in the screenshot where it says
Ratings for post #1
Thread:Read before posting in this section <<<< this color the black one for ''Thread'' and the dark brown one as well.


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