Post Ratings - taking likes to the next level [Deleted]

When I do, the ratings no longer show. Is this intended and if not, what's the work around? Thanks
This addon uses template hooks and replaceable in code, not the template modification system for most of the template injections.

It varies between Likes or Tophies which get replaced to inject ratings.
This addon uses template hooks and replaceable in code, not the template modification system for most of the template injections.

It varies between Likes or Tophies which get replaced to inject ratings.

I'm sorry... I don't understand this. Can you elaborate for me please?
Fair enough - what's the code change, ie: workaround?
I haven't looked into this addon enough to determine what the actual fix would be. But it is in the file; webroot/library/Dark/PostRating/EventListener.php

Random changes will obviously break the site.
From what I tested, this seems to be the fix if anyone has the same issue in the future:

In EventListener.php, find:
$content = preg_replace('#(<dl.*?><dt>'.$trophyPoints.')#', $content_totals . '$1', $content, 1);​

And replace it with:
$content .= $content_totals;​

Then, in the template sidebar_visitor_panel I was able to remove the dl line:
<dl class="pairsJustified"><dt>{xen:phrase points}:</dt> <dd>{xen:number $visitor.trophy_points}</dd></dl>​

Bye bye trophies.

Thanks Xon for pointing me to the file in question.
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I just bought this hack.
I received confirmation from Paypal but it is always said "buy" instead of "download".

Can you help me?

Thank you

I just bought this hack.
I received confirmation from Paypal but it is always said "buy" instead of "download".

Can you help me?

Thank you

You should have received it via email. If not, please PM me your purchase email address and I will get it re-sent to you
I tried to find this but couldn't find. So, someone please tell me how can i revert the unwanted ratings given by some members .

Thanks in advance.
I tried to find this but couldn't find. So, someone please tell me how can i revert the unwanted ratings given by some members .

Thanks in advance.
The UI only allows reverting ratings one at a time.

There is some SQL in the first post of the thread here to bulk delete ratings by a user. Modifying it so it only deletes particular ratings or from a date should be doable.
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Thanks for the help but i got this as error while doing a Recount after deleting through SQL.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 83 bytes) in /home4/dthforum/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php on line 304
Thanks for the help but i got this as error while doing a Recount after deleting through SQL.
You may need to raise the php memory limit while the recount runs;

In a php-fpm pool definition, at the very end you'll have something like:
php_admin_value[memory_limit] = 256M

Or php.ini:
; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB)
memory_limit = 256M

In both cases you'll want you change your current value of 256 to something higher. 512 or so and try again?

Make sure to reset back to the old limit after you are done.

If that doesn't work then, @Luke Foreman may have some suggestions.
Hey @Luke Foreman, I have discovered a bug where someone can leave a post rating and then also like a post at the same time.

After further investigation discussed here, the user shared that he was able to do this by leaving an "Agree" rating through the post rating via the website, and then he went and used Tapatalk to leave a "like" on the post. It seems that using Tapatalk bypassed the Post Rating add-on and used XenForo's default liking system instead, further adding it onto a post that the user had already rated.

Do you know of any possible fixes for this?
Hey @Luke Foreman, I have discovered a bug where someone can leave a post rating and then also like a post at the same time.

After further investigation discussed here, the user shared that he was able to do this by leaving an "Agree" rating through the post rating via the website, and then he went and used Tapatalk to leave a "like" on the post. It seems that using Tapatalk bypassed the Post Rating add-on and used XenForo's default liking system instead, further adding it onto a post that the user had already rated.

Do you know of any possible fixes for this?

Unfortunately there is not much that can be done about that. You could try the steps to 'convert like format' in the first post of this thread, but I would recommend against it. It's also not really possible for either this addon or tapatalk to implement a proper workaround without one hooking into the other, and that's something I'd like to avoid
@Luke Foreman is this in the roadmap?
I need negative votes but I don't want that who receive the negative vote knows who send it.
With that feature I think you are going to get more customers (included me :D). Other users I think will be @Ellie, @RoldanLT and @null0 , right?

I think not knowing kind of makes it worse. I was followed around and given negative 'likes' and it drove me bananas. If I didn't know who it was then it would of been worse. Also it allows people to use it in a troll like fashion if there is no accountability.

I have purchased it months ago and love it but see that it can have a bad impact. Some people who have been on my forum for like 15 years ended up in a negative 'likes' war.

The issue people seem to have with it is when people click disagree or something and don't explain it. That's why it would be great if you were forced to make a comment with any negative 'like'. Something along the lines of "You disagree with this post, please provide a reason below"

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