Implemented Post ID Permalink Copy To Clipboard?


Well-known member
When clicking a post ID permalink, it just refreshes the page and takes you to that post which seems redundant for the user. Wouldn't it make more sense to copy the link to clipboard when clicked so that it can be pasted elsewhere?
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Well it does reload the page with the url in the address bar which can then be copied and pasted.
Yeah, I guess it works in the sense where it gives you the URL and takes you to your previous location.
*plays the performance card*
Saving the page reload = more efficient. It'd be a lot more user-friendly if it was copied too. Saves the right click > copy link or the click > reload > address bar > copy.
Manipulating the clipboard via JS is usually limited for security reasons. Additionally, I'd certainly be confused if clicking a link (with no indication that's what it was doing) replaced my clipboard.

It doesn't actually reload the page either, just shifts you to that anchor and updates the URL.
righto. i am just worried of course about situations when some of these threads and posts would be merged/moved to other threads/forums... these permalinks might not work at all. but then i have already received a response regarding that from the devs.
Manipulating the clipboard via JS is usually limited for security reasons. Additionally, I'd certainly be confused if clicking a link (with no indication that's what it was doing) replaced my clipboard.

It doesn't actually reload the page either, just shifts you to that anchor and updates the URL.

SWF + JS = Good working.
When clicking a post ID permalink, it just refreshes the page and takes you to that post which seems redundant for the user. Wouldn't it make more sense to copy the link to clipboard when clicked so that it can be pasted elsewhere?

Does the new overlay when clicking the permalink fulfil this suggestion?
Did the overlay when clicking on permalinks get removed? (For example, it doesn't work for me, in this thread, but it works fine on our own forum running 1.5.11.)
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