Other Popular thread keywords


Active member
An obscure request. This maybe possible with an SQL query? I am thinking if there was some way to compile thread titles that share keywords and rank them by number of commonalities that could be useful. So that the word that occurs most frequently in thread titles on a forum shows first, then the second most frequent, then the third, etc. This could be additionally be setup for posts. Is there a search feature already that completes this task of ranking the most popular words used on a forum? My thinking is that if I knew the most popular words I could make use of it for organizing forum topics.
An obscure request. This maybe possible with an SQL query? I am thinking if there was some way to compile thread titles that share keywords and rank them by number of commonalities that could be useful. So that the word that occurs most frequently in thread titles on a forum shows first, then the second most frequent, then the third, etc. This could be additionally be setup for posts. Is there a search feature already that completes this task of ranking the most popular words used on a forum? My thinking is that if I knew the most popular words I could make use of it for organizing forum topics.
Is this job still open? if yes, let's start private chat so we can discuss further. What you think?
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