Fixed Poll "Add additional response" button bug


Well-known member
If you are 1 response away from the total maxResponses when you go to edit a poll, the additional field shows as expected, but the "add additional response" button also stills shows even though you can not add any further responses, so you are left with a 'dead' button.

To replicate:

1: Set "Maximum Number of Poll Choices" to "3" (it can be any number, this is just to make things easier for testing)
2: Create a poll with only 2 responses
3: Edit the poll and you'll see the field for your 3rd (and final) response and also the button (which does nothing when clicked)

I found that doing this in 'thread_poll_edit' fixes the issue:

<input type="button" value="{xen:phrase add_additional_response}" class="FieldAdder button smallButton" data-source="ul.PollResponseContainer li" data-maxfields="{$xenOptions.pollMaximumResponses}" />

       <xen:if is="{xen:count $poll.responses} < {xen:calc '{$xenOptions.pollMaximumResponses} - 1'}">
       <input type="button" value="{xen:phrase add_additional_response}" class="FieldAdder button smallButton" data-source="ul.PollResponseContainer li" data-maxfields="{$xenOptions.pollMaximumResponses}" />

Anyway, I'll leave it with you guys to do as you please, thanks for reading :)
There are some fairly complex permutations here to handle this generically, as there's the case where the poll doesn't exist, where it does exist (normal) and where it's a draft. As such, I've handled this in JS. It will hide the button as needed and, if for some reason it's still there when it's not needed, a click will remove it.
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