Podcast (mp3) Player to post into Forum?:


Active member
So, we have these audio podcast episodes still in mp3 format and we would like to place them inside of a forum thread for people to listen to 'and' have an RSS feed so that all the episodes can be autoupdated onto our mobile app. The key, is getting the episodes to show up as 'flash players or etc.' in each thread. Anyone have a solution for this (bb code must be used, correct?)?
Well, let's look at this one first. It's not that it doesn't work, really. It's just that it doesn't work with KK ways of doing things. Also, if you switch you might screw up links/embeds you already have in place.
Well I followed their instructs to the letter. The only thing I did that they did not say to do was add the <object> code that you gave me. I actually put 'your code' into the area of that addon.

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