Please tell me we're getting a fixed text editor soon!™

But unfortunately it changed ownership and everything went downhill from there.
So friggin' typical. Looking forward to the new editor.

Incidentally, Yahoo had quite a few bugs in it and outages, but got taken over a few years ago, yet again, and it's been rock solid ever since. Sometimes things do improve with new ownership, but it seems to be the minority.
We have implemented what we feel have been far better editors than CKEditor in that time. It wasn't implemented because we deemed it wasn't suitable for our use case.

Froala was perfect. Seriously, it really was. It was very stable and it was very well supported. But unfortunately it changed ownership and everything went downhill from there. It has improved slightly maybe in the last year or so (debatable), but it isn't viable in the long term for us.

We have picked the next editor and it is in a very good state and will be shipped with XF 3.0. Still got a fair bit to do in terms of polishing the UI and wiring up things like custom BB code and toolbar management but we're feeling good and it's VERY promising.
Just out of curiosity have you gone for an open sourced free to reuse editor or one you've managed to negotiate a commercial licence for?

Just wondering.
The decision is made, we're all in on the editor that we've chosen, and it has received a significant amount of development to get it to this point.

We'll show it off and talk about it more once it's ready.
Cool, look forward to it. I'd still appreciate a teaser! :)
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