Not planned Phrase flagging for ACP and Front-end usage


Well-known member
It would be really nice if there were some visual way to determine if a phrase is used on the front-end, ACP, or both, especially for add-ons. Maybe you guys could add in a field for add-on developers to check boxes for each situation so that when admins are translating they can see where the phrase is being used. Would make it so much easier to make those edits, since most of us probably only care about editing front-end phrases.
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Why, you can have the front end in any language and the ACP in English or any other language apart from the front already?
Let's say you have to go through and edit 100 phrases to change a word from XYZ to XZZ - if 50 of those phrases are only displayed in ACP, it would be nice to be able to see that when you're editing, and not have to waste time editing those phrases. Maybe there is a way that I'm not aware of or maybe there's an easier way to do it?
This has been requested before and our stance hasn't really changed on it.

We do not attempt to make any distinction as to whether a phrase is specifically used on the front end, back end or some other location (such as the CLI or Install system). It's feasible that any number of phrases could be cross purposed between different parts of the system. If not in our own code, then add-on developers may decide to start using a phrase which is "front-end only" in some add-on in the Admin CP.

So there's really no feasible way to do this, and no compelling reason to either. You will just have to figure out yourself what should be translated and what shouldn't or just translate them anyway. But it may actually take longer to figure out where a phrase is used, than it would to just translate it.
Well that's unfortunate. Translating phrases individually is a pretty time consuming effort and this could really cut down on it. Seems like adding 3 radio buttons to each phrase would be feasible to create a visual flag. But I realize it isn't something that's high priority.
May be translation system is the weakest part in xenforo because devs haven't ever needed to use it themselves.

You will just have to figure out yourself what should be translated and what shouldn't or just translate them anyway. But it may actually take longer to figure out where a phrase is used, than it would to just translate it.

Figuring it out is not easy and even if you partly do it, with each update and addition of new phrases everything becomes a mess.

You mention it as if it is an easy task to translate everything. It isn't worth the effort as none of our users will see admin side.

Duplicating some phrases for the sake of less time spent on translating for users should be worth it.

I don't think there are too many shared phrases between admin and frontend anyway.
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