phpStorm class name generation

Jake B.

Well-known member
Does anyone who uses phpStorm know of some way I can set it up so when I create something along the lines of library/X/Y/Z.php it will create it with a template along the lines of:
class X_Y_Z


No big deal if there is no way to do this since it only takes a matter of seconds to manually do it, just more curious what phpStorm is capable of :)
I don't think so.

It's easier with namespaces.

PhpStorm can infer the correct namespace automatically when they are used so when you go to New > PHP Class, all you usually have to do is enter the file name itself (e.g. ClassTest) and it will populate the namespace automatically (e.g. Test)


namespace Test;

class ClassTest

Does XenForo support namespaces in its autoloader? All of our Add-ons require PHP 5.3 anyways, so I have no problem starting to use namespaces if they're supported.
Does XenForo support namespaces in its autoloader? All of our Add-ons require PHP 5.3 anyways, so I have no problem starting to use namespaces if they're supported.

Yes, it was added a few versions ago. Can't remember which one, might have been before or after 1.2.

Some of my add-ons use namespaces.

For the class proxy, you have to extend XFCP_Class, like so:

namespace LiamW\Test\Extend\Model;

class User extends XFCP_User

Oh, another thing, when adding the class in the listener, use the full class name with backslashes.

So, for above:

namespace LiamW\Test;

class Listener
    public static function extendUserModel($class, array &$extend)
        $extend[] = 'LiamW\Test\Extend\Model\User';

Last edited:
I normally use a helper file in conjunction with namespaces to improve auto-complete with PhpStorm. Maybe this will also be useful to others. Something like:

if (false) {
    namespace Addon\ControllerPublic;
    class XFCP_Account extends \XenForo_ControllerPublic_Account {}
I normally use a helper file in conjunction with namespaces to improve auto-complete with PhpStorm. Maybe this will also be useful to others. Something like:

if (false) {
    namespace Addon\ControllerPublic;
    class XFCP_Account extends \XenForo_ControllerPublic_Account {}

I do the same, without the additional namespace... no need for it. I just have the if(false) branch in the same file as the main extending class.
PhpStorm file templates can be used for auto generating headers of new class files.
I've modified a "\.WebIde90\config\fileTemplates\internal\PHP Class.php" file:
#parse("PHP File Header.php")
#set ( $EXTENDS = "")
#if (${NAMESPACE})
 #set ( $NAMESPACE = $NAMESPACE.replace("\", "_") )
 #set ( $NAME = "${NAMESPACE}_${NAME}")
 #if ( $NAMESPACE.endsWith("_Extend"))
  #set ( $EXTENDS = " extends XFCP_${NAME}")
 #elseif ( $NAMESPACE.endsWith("_Model"))
  #set ( $EXTENDS = " extends XenForo_Model")
 #elseif ( $NAMESPACE.endsWith("_DataWriter"))
  #set ( $EXTENDS = " extends XenForo_DataWriter")
 #elseif ( $NAMESPACE.endsWith("_ControllerPublic"))
  #set ( $EXTENDS = " extends XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract")
 #elseif ( $NAMESPACE.endsWith("_ControllerAdmin"))
  #set ( $EXTENDS = " extends XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Abstract")
 #elseif ( $NAMESPACE.endsWith("_ControllerHelper"))
  #set ( $EXTENDS = " extends XenForo_ControllerHelper_Abstract")
 #elseif ( $NAMESPACE.endsWith("_ViewPublic"))
  #set ( $EXTENDS = " extends XenForo_ViewPublic_Base")
 #elseif ( $NAMESPACE.endsWith("_AdminAdmin"))
  #set ( $EXTENDS = " extends XenForo_ViewAdmin_Base")

class ${NAME}${EXTENDS}
And after that in the "New PHP Class" form a namespace field auto renamed to a correct xenforo class.
How it works in the attached screenshots.


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