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My shared host does not allow SSH access. I am trying to export a database using phpmyadmin and import onto a new server. I keep getting this error and i am not sure how to fix it. Any help is appreciated.
SQL query:
----Indexesfor dumped tables
------Indexesfor table `EWRporta_blocks`--
ALTER TABLE `EWRporta_blocks` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`block_id`),
ADD KEY `title`(`title`);
MySQL saidocumentation
#1068 - Multiple primary key defined
SQL query:
----Indexesfor dumped tables
------Indexesfor table `EWRporta_blocks`--
ALTER TABLE `EWRporta_blocks` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`block_id`),
ADD KEY `title`(`title`);
MySQL saidocumentation
#1068 - Multiple primary key defined