PHP outdated?


Well-known member
I have a notification that says "Your current version of PHP is outdated. We currently recommend PHP 8.2.
PHP version 7.4.33"

Any advice welcome, thank you.
You need to update your php version to 8.2 or higher. Ask your website host or do it via your admin panel (cpanel, plesk, whatever)
i personally wish that xenforo would decide to bite the bullet like other competitors have done and require at least 8.2.
but i can see where they could loose some clients, but if those few are that vital to the ongoing concern that in itself may be problematic.
i personally wish that xenforo would decide to bite the bullet like other competitors have done and require at least 8.2.
but i can see where they could loose some clients, but if those few are that vital to the ongoing concern that in itself may be problematic.
The problem is it isn't "those few". I personally don't know the exact current percentage of XenForo sites still on PHP 7, but it is significant. I think it was recently reported to be around 50% still.
The problem is it isn't "those few". I personally don't know the exact current percentage of XenForo sites still on PHP 7, but it is significant. I think it was recently reported to be around 50% still.
maybe there needs to be a push by the programmers to encourage those users to upgrade and not be lazy? if they want to stick on older php versions then they can run the older xenforo versions that support it. i can see where if your profit margins are so thin that you have to continue to support those that run outdated software but hopefully xenforo is not at that point.
how much additional time is added to the development of the program to assure that backwards compatibility. sometimes you have to drag people kicking and screaming into the modern era.
there reaches a point where a foot has to be put down. i was recently researching moving over to shared hosting, and every one of the companies i looked at offered php 8 and some up to 8.2. the fact that a portion of admins choose not to use good administration choices when they can easily upgrade should not be of a significant bearing. that is a choice that they make and have to live with.
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I wouldn't have known about it if I hadn't scrolled down the ACP page and seen a banner. It was easily available to change in my hosting page. And offered up to 8.3.
I wouldn't have known about it if I hadn't scrolled down the ACP page and seen a banner. It was easily available to change in my hosting page. And offered up to 8.3.
thank you. you emphasize the point i was commenting on. most hosts should offer at least php 8 and many offer up to the current version.
it seems like the fact that so many are still on 7.4 is because they can be and they for whatever reason can not be bothered to upgrade.
it seems like a simple solution. you want to stay on 7.4 then stay on an old version of the program. you want to use a newer version, then you need to upgrade to something that is supported recently and not something that the support ended 2 years ago on.
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