XF 1.1 Permitting banned users view their PMs?


Active member
Is there a way to permit banned users to view their existing PMs?

I just realized that my test account, banned as a result of a warning, receives a PM with the explanation but cannot actually view it, as it is locked out of all the PMs.

The ban reason shown to the user (if they are auto-banned as a result of a high number of warning points received) says simply "Rules Violations".

All they receive is an email notification of a PM received. Without a way to actually see that PM to find out why they were banned, they are in the dark until their warning point expire.
There is no way to selectively allow access for banned members.

Rather than ban, you could use a warning action which places them into a user group which has all permissions removed.
That way they would still be able to read their conversations.
They can, however read the PM's through e-mail receipts. Every time you PM/PC someone, the software sends you a receipt of "delivery." So either way, you're getting your message across.
You can disable the full text in notification emails.
That's not what the OP is looking for, tho. He/She is looking for a way to allow a Banned user to read a PM/PC. So, these full-text notification e-mails may be what the doctor ordered - mostly because if I was a banned user, I'd want to know why I was banned - so reading these e-mail notifications, I got what I want or need.

Every time I ban someone, I send them a PM/PC to show them what they did wrong. And I can ban them without worry because the e-mail notification is there already.
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