XF 2.0 Permissions?


Hi all,

I am new to XenForo but slowly getting used to it, but I have one problem I can't seem to solve, and a question, both about Permissions:

1. Question - When it says "Inherited", where exactly does it inherit it from?

2. Problem - I have gone through all of the Permissions I can find for "Registered Users" but on my test account, which is a "Registered User" they are allowed to edit other peoples "Tags" even though in permissions I have set "Tag any thread" and "Manage tags by others in own thread" to No!

Can anybody help or explain this to me?

Kind regards,

1. Question - When it says "Inherited", where exactly does it inherit it from?
It inherits from all other permissions the member has, either via user groups, nodes, or user based.

2. Problem - I have gone through all of the Permissions I can find for "Registered Users" but on my test account, which is a "Registered User" they are allowed to edit other peoples "Tags" even though in permissions I have set "Tag any thread" and "Manage tags by others in own thread" to No!
Use the permissions analyzer.
It's possible that account is in another user groups which has it set to allow.
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