XF 1.1 Permissions issue..


Well-known member
Ok so i created a new "group" when i was over on vB, and when I converted back to xF i seem to have a problem with this one group.

So all users on the board have the ability to edit their own posts. However this new group, despite having "Edit post by self" set to allow for that group, seems not to have the ability to edit their own posts. This is across the entire forum, not just in one forum, and only on this group. Also applies to all users of this group. All other groups are fine.

Anyone any thoughts on what ive missed here?? (it's gonna be simple...)

Also, is there any way to re-organise threads for one user to have new posts first??

Thanks chaps
Does the Registered group have permission to edit their own posts? Is there any group that you may have set the permission to Revoke or Never?

Users can change the thread display order by using Thread Display Options at the bottom of a forum.
Does the Registered group have permission to edit their own posts? Is there any group that you may have set the permission to Revoke or Never?

Edit post by self is allowed.....

However Timelimit for editing posts was set to 0 therefore meaning that it was impossible to edit :)

Thanks Martok :)
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