Lack of interest Permission based HTML support

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Well-known member
Like vBulletin and IPS, the ability for HTML to be used across the site i.e. posts, resources etc but permission based. For example in v1 I used Luke's great addon for this and was able to create some fantastic entries for my users very quickly like forms to perform calculations, well presented How To's, and much more. I, as the Admin, and one Moderator were the only ones who could do this (permission based) and make our content come alive.
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Thanks Chris, yes I currently have that installed but there are issues with it compared to Luke's one. I have entries in Resources that worked perfectly with Luke's one which are very simple html:
1.webp 2.webp

Now you would think that html is html and both Luke's and KL's one use the same bbcode of parsehtml however when upgrading to XF v2 and using the KL's one they don't work. On the screen shot above for the weather page the links don't work and just go to an XF error page, but they are just html links. I also had to make some changes to the html to display it again in the same way (remembering it is just html). Other pages that use an iFrame also no longer work but they work on a standard html page etc.

Having the ability in XF for permission based html, like vb and IPS, will keep it all consistent for everyone and I have no doubt would be based on true html
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