Lack of interest Per user group permissions to include full message text in emails

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Active member
Would be nice to be able to configure the following two options per user gorup rather than board wide:

- Include full message text in watched thread/forum notification emails.
- Include full message text personal conversation notification emails.

Sometimes new members don't realize that they need to visit the actual conversation in forum to reply so they reply to email and get their message lost. If this was a per group based permission, I would only enable it for groups that have some experience.

Upvote 5
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I know it's been almost 6 years since this post, but saves me doubling up.

Is this something that can be implemented as I think it'd be really handy.

Moderators or board owners might not be in a position to be on the forum, but able to see email, meaning they can get alerted to the urgency of replying to conversations, and prioritise things (or get other moderators to handle it).

Rather than the message sitting there unread for an extended period of time until the board owners can get online to view it.

You don't want all users to be able to have that permission, as you want them coming back to the forum to engage with fellow members whilst replying to conversations.
The problem with full text in email is that people 'stupidly' reply to the email and think it works. Forcing them to visit the site to read the message ensures the message is actually responded to correctly.
I think even elevated user groups may struggle occasionally. Heck, i've done it by mistake before.

Which really brings up another feature request - Email replies (similar to the bounce handler) have a hash on them and go to '' email handler to process so that an email reply from a notification actually goes to the board/db via email trapping.
Totally get you there, from purely from a advisory perspective I think this would be invaluable to busy site admins in order to prioritise things without needing to log into a forum to check something.

For example you can then ascertain the urgency of a conversation message from either "I found a massive bug that needs resolving" to "can you please change my accounts email as its outdated" to "question about my banning".

Another good usage would be staff members ability to mark as "On Vacation" and still get advised of things by conversation without logging in.

Re your query, I wonder if you could utilise something like this @briansol :
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