Payment Question


Active member

So my license doesn't expire for a long time, but lets be hypothetical here. Lets just say my license expires before xF 2.0 is released. I then choose not to buy a license extension right away. Will I always have the option to pay $40, or will I have the pay the full amount after X amount of time of not purchasing the discounted extension? I would most likely not buy an extension until the release of 2.0, to maximize my use of potential updates.

You will only have to pay the upgrade fee which as of today, is $40. If you don't buy the upgrade fee for a while your license will simply be locked to the last version that was released at the time you had the upgrade / support.
Clarification... under the current understanding you can pay the $40 at any time and upgrade to the latest version. But - I haven't seen the official position on that pertaining to XF2 (but I don't keep as close of watch as I used to as forum life is losing interest for me). I believe that the tentative understanding is that XF 2 will be part of the standard upgrade though.
But - I haven't seen the official position on that pertaining to XF2 (but I don't keep as close of watch as I used to as forum life is losing interest for me). I believe that the tentative understanding is that XF 2 will be part of the standard upgrade though.

Right now, 2.0 will be included in the standard upgrade fee according Jeremy (see post). If that changes it will be announced.

In all seriousness, I'd be very surprised if they made you pay again to upgrade to 2.0. It would sort of be like an IB type move. At most, I can see things remaining as they are or the upgrade price fee being increased.
Right now, 2.0 will be included in the standard upgrade fee according Jeremy (see post). If that changes it will be announced.
I don't believe that a moderator is an "official statement" when it comes to the business procedures/decisions. ;)

That is why I specifically stated
I believe that the tentative understanding is that XF 2 will be part of the standard upgrade though.
Until Kier/Mike/Ashley make an official statement, then all we can go on is supposition and previous process.

I agree with the doubt that they will pull a IPS type process (or WBB requiring another registration due to versioning change) - but I do believe that they would be fully within good business practice to increase the yearly renewal cost.
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Don't worry there has been official clarification that no changes have currently been made to the pricing structure and there are currently no plans to charge an additional premium for the upgrade.

Of course, this could be changed going forward.
Everything is subject to change, of course, but here's the official stance at the moment:
Regarding "buying" XenForo 2.0

As it stands, we have no plans to change the licensing scheme. If you have a license now and it still has active support/upgrades when XenForo 2.0 is released, you will be able to download it; if your license expires, you can simply purchase an extension to get access to 2.0 (and any other releases that may happen).

If you're unsure about 2.0 or our progress, you're free to hold off extending your license until you see 2.0 in person. License expiration does not affect your access to the forums.
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