Fixed Pasting link to reply goes to the first post

Mr Lucky

Well-known member
Affected version
If I paste this link which was actually to post #4, it ends up linking to and shows post#1 like this:

If I paste this link to post #42 it ends up linking to and shows post#1 like this:

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yeah you need to use links without #. so copy the link from the share menu in posts instead of the address bar of the browser.

the above links should embed just fine pointing to the correct post.

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yeah you need to use links without #. so copy the link from the share menu in posts instead of the address bar of the browser.
Yeah, this works - but the averge user will not understand the subtle difference between a permalink to the post (which works) and and a link to the thread page with post fragment (which does not work).

I therefore think that both should work.
yeah you need to use links without #. so copy the link from the share menu in posts instead of the address bar of the browser.

Yeah, this works - but the averge user will not understand the subtle difference between a permalink to the post (which works)
Absolutely they won't . They post links that they've copied from the address bar.

Especially since it works as they would expect in v 2.2 - why should it change in 2.3 to something unintuitive?
the thing is that # based links are not going to work in all circumstances. if the post is moved to another thread, # link would not work. if the forum administrator changes number of posts per page setting in backend, these links could potentially stop working again. so they are not really reliable permalinks to individual posts. there is no easy fix to the situation where users would share the link copied from the browser address bar. except maybe for xenforo to just ignore the thread number in the link and just focus on the post number.

on the other hand, they are offering an option to disabling auto-embed and retain the existing 2.2.x behavior where internal links would be processed similarly to external links.
there is no easy fix to the situation where users would share the link copied from the browser address bar. except maybe for xenforo to just ignore the thread number in the link and just focus on the post number.
Actually I think it shouldn't be too difficult - just needs a bit server side code to work out the correct post ID (given the URL ist valid).
the thing is that # based links are not going to work in all circumstances.
In which case why are they there? Surely we need a user-friendly intuitive and consistent way to link to posts (apart from quoting). This is all a bit of a mess now that it seems it will stop working the way it used to.
Actually I think it shouldn't be too difficult - just needs a bit server side code to work out the correct post ID (given the URL ist valid).
So, not exactly relevant to this thread. But I recently updated from 2.2.8 to 2.2.13 and I am noticing a weird behavior with my post links. Clicking on a post permalink takes me to a link like this: URL/?post=1638792#post-1638792 instead of just URL/#post-1638792. This does not seem to be happening here on 2.3 so not sure what's going on.
This is what i do most times when i need to chat about a point that has been made.
i hard click on the post link until it comes up with copy link.
i will take a screenshot of the point being made and upload it.

Here's my modem speed results for example's sake as a screenshot.
As a link i'll link my mate's bigfooty site.
if want a direct link i do this.

See the copy link. I press that
Still a bug in the beta release, users are finding it annoying.

But at least I can turn it off so not a total showstopper
There is another bug with embeds, not the the same as this one because it is not related to there being an anchor link, ie not related to there being a # in because there isn't.


Thank you for reporting this issue, it has now been resolved. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future XF release (2.3.0 Release Candidate 1).

Change log:
Better handling for resolving embeds to content when an achor is present in the URL.
There may be a delay before changes are rolled out to the XenForo Community.
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