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Password Tools 3.11.1

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I'm running your add-on on top of Xenforo with roughy 50k members. I've set fairly strong password requirements (10 characters mixed) which works great for new users and/or members who wish to change their password. However, it seems like a hacker has been targeting my site and phishing/running a password breaker trying to gain access to weak accounts.

My developer has the ability to log everyone out.

  • Is there a way to force them to select a new password if it doesn't meet the criteria I set in your add-on?
  • Can we force the confirmation via verification of the email on file (without forcing everyone to use 2FA)?

Your assistance is appreciated.
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However, it seems like a hacker has been targeting my site and phishing/running a password breaker trying to gain access to weak accounts.
That might be the common exploit some of us here had earlier in the year. Dormant accounts would suddenly be reused on our forums. Pretty sure these are bots using leaked user/password combinations that are out there on the Internet.

I installed Login Spaminator and it eliminated the problem.
That might be the common exploit some of us here had earlier in the year. Dormant accounts would suddenly be reused on our forums. Pretty sure these are bots using leaked user/password combinations that are out there on the Internet.

I installed Login Spaminator and it eliminated the problem.
Thank you!

Is there a way to force users to select a new password if it doesn't meet the criteria I set in the password tools add-on?
Thank you!

Is there a way to force users to select a new password if it doesn't meet the criteria I set in the password tools add-on?
I do not believe it's possible for these add-ons to know passwords when they have been set.

What you could possibly do, is to set a user promotion with User has not visited for at least X days and force a password reset for the an "Inactive" usergroup. I do not know how well this would work as I do not know if the inactive group would work if they do end up becoming active again.

I use DragonByte Security, and that has an option to force passwords upon last visit time.
I'm running your add-on on top of Xenforo with roughy 50k members. I've set fairly strong password requirements (10 characters mixed) which works great for new users and/or members who wish to change their password. However, it seems like a hacker has been targeting my site and phishing/running a password breaker trying to gain access to weak accounts.
Forced email 2fa on login when it is detected the user has a known compromised password (without 2fa enabled) was actually designed to help with that.

Just be prepared for a bunch of support queries over people who hate the idea they can't reused known broken passwords

Is there a way to force them to select a new password if it doesn't meet the criteria I set in your add-on?
Not with this addon
Xon updated Password Tools with a new update entry:

3.8.2 - Bugfix & Maintenance update

Thanks to @NamePros for this update.
  • Fix changing user entity while a write is pending in some cases
  • Add "Use rejected password fragments in password meter" option (default disabled).
    Take rejected password fragments into consideration when showing the password strength meter to the user.
    Security note: this makes the full list of rejected password fragments visible to end users; ensure that there aren't any sensitive password fragments before enabling...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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I'm guessing some things from this addon have been integrated into XF base since the addon was created, so updating the addon description would be nice. From the main page:

  1. Show password feature, allow users to toggle to see what they have actually entered.
  2. Show users how strong their passwords really are when it comes to crack-attempts
  3. Deliver instant feedback if password and password-confirm match and/or certain requirements are not met
  4. Force users to choose passwords with a minimum strength
  5. Force users to choose passwords with a minimum length
  6. Force users to chooce a password not containing words from a blacklist you define
  7. No cheating: This modification also controls users passwords on server side with Ben Jeavos php-implementation of zxcvbn.
  8. Easy styling through XenForo Style Properties

1-2. Already exists. This addon doesn't seem to change anything in this regard.
3. There is no "confirm password". I checked /admin.php?options/groups/usersAndRegistration/ to see if it's a default feature to enable and I don't see it.
4. The default strength indicator seems to be different from the "weak, strong, very weak, etc." that this addon uses, but this addon doesn't change the display of that?
5. Not ideal that minimum length only becomes known once you try to submit your registration.
7. ?? I'm guessing that's the "enforce complexity for admins" option, but clarification would be nice.

It would be nice to present this image to users when they're registering so they know what to do/not to do.
It would be nice if this addon would check all accounts that have an email address that is in the hibp breaches database, for breached passwords and force those members to reset password through email link.

That would prevent spammers from accessing legit accounts.
The problem is an email check would give a lot of false positives, and is difficult to make a repeatable process. Finally it would require an API key, likely a paid API key for any larger database
Xon updated Password Tools with a new update entry:

3.11.1 - Feature update

  • php 8.4+ compatibility fixes
  • Rename option "Password check types" to "New password validation rules"
  • Add "On login; consider known-bad passwords as compromised" option (default false)
  • Add new password validation rule "Prevent passwords which contain the user's email or username, and the site's domain/name." (default false)

Read the rest of this update entry...
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