XF 2.3 Passkey?

What is a passkey, how can I get rid of it?
You might not want to get rid of it, I found them quite useful. It's a new for xenForo in 2.3, see:

But if you really want to lose it from Password & Security page

AT YOUR OWN RISK you will need to test (and again after xenForo updates)

Add to extra.less


.p-body-content .block-container:nth-child(1)

and to remove from the user login, remove this bit of code in the template login :

<div class="blocks-textJoiner"><span></span><em>{{ phrase('or_separator') }}</em><span></span></div>

    <div class="block">
        <div class="block-container">
            <div class="block-body">
                <xf:formrow rowtype="button"
                    label="{{ phrase('log_in_using') }}">

                    <ul class="listHeap">
                            <xf:form action="{{ link('login/login') }}" data-xf-init="webauthn"
                                data-verifying="{{ phrase('verifying...') }}">

                                    <xf:button class="button--provider button--provider--passkey js-webauthnStart">
                                        {{ passkey_icon() }} {{ phrase('passkey') }}

                                <xf:hiddenval name="webauthn_payload" />
                                <xf:hiddenval name="webauthn_challenge">{{ $passkey ? $passkey.getChallenge() : '' }}</xf:hiddenval>

                        <xf:foreach loop="$providers" value="$provider" if="$providers is not empty">
                                <xf:macro id="connected_account_macros::button"
                                    arg-provider="{$provider}" />

Be careful there are only 3 closing </div> at the end of the bit you remove.
Thank you, I wait for a checkbox: [Kill that new thing!]
I still don't know what it is, is it a service from another big player? If so, thank you, no!
Just one more thing to give support, answer questions, have unlucky people around.
I am sure it is a wonderful tool for some people,
and some others should have a button with "I dont want to use it!"
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