Passing ThreadId to Model or a better method?


Well-known member
Howdy i am working on an addon which i have got working all except the ability to automatically pick up the threadID

If i manually add a number to the model query it works as it should, of course what i need is for it to automatically detect the ID of the thread.

  class RRWS_WhoPostAvatar_ControllerPublic_Index extends XFCP_RRWS_WhoPostAvatar_ControllerPublic_Index

public function actionIndex()
$response = parent::actionIndex();

$threadId = $this->_input->filterSingle('thread_id', XenForo_Input::UINT);

$response->params += array('whoPostedAvatar' => $this->_getWhoPostAvatarModel()->getAllAvatars());

return $response;
      protected function _getWhoPostAvatarModel()
        return $this->getModelFromCache ( 'RRWS_WhoPostAvatar_Model_Model' );

Like below if i have
class RRWS_WhoPostAvatar_Model_Model extends XenForo_Model
  //Lets Poke the Database
  public function getAllAvatars()
  return $this->fetchAllKeyed('SELECT DISTINCT(xf_user.username), xf_thread_user_post.user_id,xf_user.user_id FROM xf_thread_user_post INNER JOIN xf_user ON xf_thread_user_post.user_id=xf_user.user_id WHERE xf_thread_user_post.thread_id = 60 ', 'user_id'


any suggestions on how this can be accomplished?

@Lawrence any ideas friend?
A basic model function would be something like this:
public function myFunction($threadId)
    $db = $this->_getDb();

        UPDATE table
        SET something = 0
        WHERE thread_id = ?
    ", $threadId);

And you would pass $threadId to your model using something like this in your controller:
$myModel = $this->_getMyModel();




protected function _getMyModel()
    return $this->getModelFromCache('My_Model');
Depending on how you have defined the code for getting the model in the controller (which essentially depends on how many times you call it).
thanks brogan! i am heading in right direction now. i pribably have put code in wrong manner (new to php and xenforo addons)

class RRWS_WhoPostAvatar_Model_Model extends XenForo_Model
  //Lets Poke the Database
  public function getAllAvatars($threadId){
  $db = $this->_getDb();
  $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT(xf_user.username), xf_thread_user_post.user_id,xf_user.user_id FROM xf_thread_user_post
  INNER JOIN xf_user ON xf_thread_user_post.user_id=xf_user.user_id WHERE xf_thread_user_post.thread_id = ?", $threadId);
  class RRWS_WhoPostAvatar_ControllerPublic_Index extends XFCP_RRWS_WhoPostAvatar_ControllerPublic_Index

public function actionIndex()
$response = parent::actionIndex();
$threadId = $this->_input->filterSingle('thread_id', XenForo_Input::UINT);
$myModel = $this->_getWhoPostAvatarModel();
$response->params += array('whoPostedAvatar' => $this->_getWhoPostAvatarModel()->getAllAvatars($threadId));
return $response;
  protected function _getWhoPostAvatarModel()
  return $this->getModelFromCache ( 'RRWS_WhoPostAvatar_Model_Model' );

in template thread_view
<xen:foreach loop="$whoPostedAvatar" value="$who">
<dl class="ctrlUnit"></dl>
<br />

error given

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/****/development/library/XenForo/Template/Abstract.php(265) : eval()'d code, line 576:
575: ';
576: foreach ($whoPostedAvatar AS $who)
577: {

Can you see where i went wrong? i greatly appreciate any help
What is returned if you dump $whoPostedAvatar in the template?
{xen:helper dump, $whoPostedAvatar}
null, which is odd, as if i have a number manually in query it exports the proper array
Presumably if you dump it in the controller it returns an array?

How are you then passing it to the template from your controller?
Presumably if you dump it in the controller it returns an array?

How are you then passing it to the template from your controller?

I think you mean this part of code by your latter statement?

$response->params += array('whoPostedAvatar' => $this->_getWhoPostAvatarModel()->getAllAvatars());

if i have a threadid number set manually in the model sql query the dump looks like this

array(2) {
  [1] => array(2) {
    ["username"] => string(4) "RRWS"
    ["user_id"] => int(1)
  [2] => array(2) {
    ["username"] => string(4) "Test"
    ["user_id"] => int(2)
which is correctly querying who posted and their user_id and username. via
, just cant get it to work when i pass the $threadId to it.. umm
If you dump $threadId after this line in the controller, what is returned?
$threadId = $this->_input->filterSingle('thread_id', XenForo_Input::UINT);
Then it should work.

What do your controller and model look like now, using the $threadId method I outlined earlier?
class RRWS_WhoPostAvatar_Model_Model extends XenForo_Model
  //Lets Poke the Database
  public function getAllAvatars($threadId){
  $db = $this->_getDb();
  $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT(xf_user.username), xf_thread_user_post.user_id,xf_user.user_id FROM xf_thread_user_post
  INNER JOIN xf_user ON xf_thread_user_post.user_id=xf_user.user_id WHERE xf_thread_user_post.thread_id = ?", $threadId);
  class RRWS_WhoPostAvatar_ControllerPublic_Index extends XFCP_RRWS_WhoPostAvatar_ControllerPublic_Index

public function actionIndex()
$response = parent::actionIndex();
$threadId = $this->_input->filterSingle('thread_id', XenForo_Input::UINT);
$myModel = $this->_getWhoPostAvatarModel();
$response->params += array('whoPostedAvatar' => $this->_getWhoPostAvatarModel()->getAllAvatars($threadId));
return $response;
  protected function _getWhoPostAvatarModel()
  return $this->getModelFromCache ( 'RRWS_WhoPostAvatar_Model_Model' );
The Model function doesn't appear to be returning anything. Even so, you should be using one of the "fetch" methods on the Db object rather than just query. The query method performs the query, but it returns a statement object rather than the result of the query in any reasonable format. If you use one of the fetch methods, e.g. fetchRow or fetchAll it will format the results of the query for you appropriately.
  • fetchOne - returns the first field of the first row returned as a single value
  • fetchRow - returns an array containing all fields from the first row returned
  • fetchAll - returns an array containing all rows each of which is an array containing all fields
Hi, are you extending controller public thread? If so, your RRWS_WhoPostAvatar_ControllerPublic_Index, should reflect that for clarity:

Also, you want a list of who posted avatars displayed at the top, or below the list of posts when viewing a thread, right?

As the thread_view template uses {$thread} we know its in$response
$threadId = $response['thread']['thread_id'];

Before retrieving the thread id, do a sanity check first:
        if (isset($response->params['forum']) && !empty($response->params['forum']))
                $threadId = $response['thread']['thread_id'];
                // rest of your code here

Now that you have a valid thread id, the query is rather simple for the (// rest of code here) to retrieve distinct poster_ids, and then their avatars, :) Personally, I would use 2 separate queries as they would execute rather quickly. After I retrieved the poster_ids, I would filter out the ones that already have been fetched for the page of posts being currently viewed, as the avatar info has already been loaded, and you never know, the second query may not even need to be run.
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yep :) need to restyle it to allow for mega posters XD had no idea some were in triple digits lol

and some threads the posters are in 4 digits xD
some more styling tweaks, also added in option for neutral characters (which only doesnt show there as no neutral characters found for that storyscreenshot.webp
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