PAID: XF2: Thread Preview Panel


I'm not sure if I need an add on developed, or whether I just need a modified template or two. Either way, willing to pay if necessary.


I'd like to create a post preview panel, similar to that used by email programmes. The interface would consists of the existing thread list plus a preview panel sitting either to the right, or below, depending on user preferences. I'm not too fussed about styling, it's more the code than will be called by an AJAX or similar request that I need creating.

1/ User clicks on forum.
2/ Thread list is displayed as in mockup below.
3/ Preview panel for topmost thread is shown in preview panel.
4/ If user clicks a different thread, the thread is placed in the preview panel, without the page being refreshed.
5/ User also has the option of clicking link in thread, to show preview pane full width/height. Either by going to that url , or by the preview turning into a modal dialog. This can be reversed by clicking the link again.. etc etc.
6/ Some thought needs to be given as to when a new thread is created - but can be discussed.
7/ User can view and interact with thread in preview pane. Although edit as per point 6 above.

As above, I'm handy with client side code, so I may just need a php page or template that I can call and embed in the preview panel when the user clicks the thread in the thread list. TBD.

Interested parties, please get in touch.

Thanks :)

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