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[PAID] _GOOD_ multiple accounts tracker


I am thinking about implementing some kind of unbreakable defence against multiple accounts on forum, but don't have enough time to make it myself, so i am asking any of xenforo mod-makers for help.

This plugin should use this http://samy.pl/evercookie/ or similar techniques to mark every visitor (workstation) in unique way. Moreover, it should log every account activity under different 'user'. In the end it should produce such logs:

user id 1, id string is DEF3723782FE812D090AB98C77
Registered accounts: account1, account2
Logged into accounts: account1, account 3
Posted (voted etc, any activity): account2

Basing on this information i want to have a set of rules, like 'disable registering more than X accounts', 'prevent user from posting from more than X account', 'disable using more than X accounts' with customized messages in each case.

I expect this module should cost around 30-50$, correct me if i am wrong, if anyone will make it for me, i will post it in free access (or author can make it open source).

For any clarifications and more detailed technical task feel free to post here or PM me.

Thank you.
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