Implemented Pagination improvement


Active member

Here's the thing;
If you click the right arrow, it shows the 52th page button and replaces the arrow. It also removes the 47th anchor element.
It should show the 52th page button by default, without the need of an additional click. Doncha think?


  • no_need_for_arrow.webp
    2.7 KB · Views: 76
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If you check the screenshot, you'll see that there are 8 pages for the search results.
Instead of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 the pagination is

If i want to go to page 7 i need to click on the arrow to get the 7 and then i can click it...
In this case, the arrows are IMO strange and we have to make more clicks as necessary.

Is there a way to change this and remove the arrows if they don't make any sense?:D

(another related suggestion/bug relating the arrows )
If there are 8 pages, the pagination looks like:

My suggestion is, to remove the arrows if they aren't necessary, so it looks like

Instead of the arrow i have now the direct link to page 7

I've fixed this by changing in XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::_getPageNav

$scrollSize = 1 + 2 * $range;


$scrollSize = 2 + 2 * $range;

All i'm trying to say is, that this is IMO a minimal bug and that the arrows doesn't make sense if there's only 1 hidden pagelink or the user doesn't have activated javascript...
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