XF 2.2 Page Title change to add more text


Active member
I am trying to add some text to the page title and am wanting the text from the breadcrumb to be appended to the page title.

Of course I found ...

<title><xf:title formatter="%s | %s" fallback="{$xf.options.boardTitle}" page="{$pageNumber}" /></title>

... but I am unsure how to add the breadcrumb text to the front of the page title.

If anyone has played around with their page title before maybe could give a hint.

Thanks (going back to searching the forums)
Found this although close, not quite for me.

My goal is to have the breadcrumb text added to the front of the page title, only on thread view.

(digging in some more...)
I reread my posts and it appears I actually dont describe what the hell Im talking about lol.

Page Title: threadname I Sitename
Breadcrumb: forum1 > forum2 > forum3 >

Page Title: forum2 - forum3 - threadname I sitename
Breadcrumb: forum1 > forum2 > forum3 >

I know it makes the page title displayed in the browser tab longer, but it is needed for my application
Nothing in the page layouts need to be changed, just adding the breadcrumb text to the front of the page title.
Thread and help request moved to cleanup my request and make sense.
Ignore this thread. Obsolete.

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