Well-known member
...or add an option to do so...
Every camera takes photos in sequence. They can create a story. This is especially true when you can title images and then add descriptions to them. If you're browsing the media gallery, you should go from the first picture taken (CAM468.jpg) to the last in the series (CAM529.jpg). This way you can title, for example, CAM468 "Arriving to X", CAM480.jpg "Enjoying X at Y", and CAM529.jpg "Leaving X".
Photographers generally take this a step farther and use Lightroom, applying edits, and then removing pictures between 468 and 529 that don't quite fit the narrative of a story being told. Lightroom will automatically export them as your-prefix-XXX.jpg (where X is a number from 001 to 999).
Either way, if you batch upload files, be it CAM480 to CAM529 or your-prefix-001 to your-prefix-200, they will end up in the gallery in reverse order.
The only way to fix this, at the moment, is to filter the gallery by date, ascending. However, if you do that and click the first picture (480 or 001), your "next" picture will no longer be in order as you will have to go to the previous, in backward order.
The only other way around this is to upload each file individually, starting from 529 or 200 and then working your way to 480 or 001. This is not feasible to do, even for galleries of 5 images as it's time-consuming.
Please add an option to sort by date, title, filename, or whatever from the admin panel.
I believe that if there are more photographers here or if admins receive input from photographers on their individual communities, they'd find it tedious to put in order and an annoyance.
The way it is now is horrible and should be fixed or there should be a logical reason why it is the way it is (I honestly can't think of any use case as it stands when creating galleries).
Thanks and "like" this post if you agree sorting should be an admin option.
Every camera takes photos in sequence. They can create a story. This is especially true when you can title images and then add descriptions to them. If you're browsing the media gallery, you should go from the first picture taken (CAM468.jpg) to the last in the series (CAM529.jpg). This way you can title, for example, CAM468 "Arriving to X", CAM480.jpg "Enjoying X at Y", and CAM529.jpg "Leaving X".
Photographers generally take this a step farther and use Lightroom, applying edits, and then removing pictures between 468 and 529 that don't quite fit the narrative of a story being told. Lightroom will automatically export them as your-prefix-XXX.jpg (where X is a number from 001 to 999).
Either way, if you batch upload files, be it CAM480 to CAM529 or your-prefix-001 to your-prefix-200, they will end up in the gallery in reverse order.
The only way to fix this, at the moment, is to filter the gallery by date, ascending. However, if you do that and click the first picture (480 or 001), your "next" picture will no longer be in order as you will have to go to the previous, in backward order.
The only other way around this is to upload each file individually, starting from 529 or 200 and then working your way to 480 or 001. This is not feasible to do, even for galleries of 5 images as it's time-consuming.
Please add an option to sort by date, title, filename, or whatever from the admin panel.
I believe that if there are more photographers here or if admins receive input from photographers on their individual communities, they'd find it tedious to put in order and an annoyance.
The way it is now is horrible and should be fixed or there should be a logical reason why it is the way it is (I honestly can't think of any use case as it stands when creating galleries).
Thanks and "like" this post if you agree sorting should be an admin option.
