XF 2.1 Only allow one user group to create topics inside node


Active member
What's the easiest way to do this?
I can create a board and disallow all my other other user groups from posting, but then I'd need to edit tens of user groups.

I'd rather have that posting threads was disabled by default and that I'd grant permissions only to one user group.
Remove the new thread permission for the Registered user group for that node, allow it for that specific user group.

That assumes you have your user groups and permissions set up as recommended - the Registered user group as the primary and all others secondary.
Remove the new thread permission for the Registered user group for that node, allow it for that specific user group.

That assumes you have your user groups and permissions set up as recommended - the Registered user group as the primary and all others secondary.

Where do you set your "Registered user group" as primary? Tried searching for primary but I only find phrases.
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