XF 2.2 Old admin does not have admin access


Good morning

I have the problem that I have a user with admin rights (I added him via the "Add Admin" function) which has Primary user group "Registered", Secondary User Group "Administrative" but the user does not have full access to the admin panel. Instead, he only sees the tools (yes, he re-logged-in).

I think the reason for this is that this user was the old user-id 1/admin user of my recently imported vBulletin 4.2.5.

I now even made his primary user group "Administrative".

Is there any way to fix this?

I solved the problem - it was my error of course. The user was set as an admin but no rights were selected. I foolishly thought that this is done per default and I can change the default when adding an admin... sorry to bother.

I am having have this problem with a new administrator also. She can only see "Tools"

What "rights" in the ACP are you referring to that need to be changed?
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