Other Often errors with Google's Maps API


Well-known member
Since we launched XF 1.5 with @Jaxel's Xenatendo Pro in October 2017 we very often get these errors when saving edited or new events:

Translated something like "cannot pull enough data from Google Maps". Sometimes it's really bad, as today and all last week, it's almost impossible to save events with geo dates then, you get these errors almost always, sometimes 5-20 times per event! In generally works, we already entered thousands of events - but most of them with these problems.

Is this something I can improve? We have 3000-5000 events per year and the guys creating the events in calendar are really annoyed and on the way to fully give up :(

After Jaxel's hint I checked Google's Developer Console but there seems to be no logged errors at all.
So I am totally lost where to look / what to check. These bad problem is always there, at some days more than on others. But in total it is REALLY annoying, time consuming and heavily frustrating.

Any hint is highly appreciated, please.
Thank you in advance!
Is your website SSL? Google has started restricting API access to SSL websites only.
Also... if there are no errors in your log, and you are getting these often... it sounds like you dont have your API key entered, and you are using the public API key (default). When that happens, when the public API gets rate limited, it will return errors.
Thank you @Jaxel.

  1. yes, the forums is fully on SSL
  2. I've entered my own key. I have a browser key and an server key. I entered the browser javascript key. It may be that I did something wrong and did not check the correct API. But these errors occour "randomly" - so if there would be a limit, I imagine that it would stop working at some time and restart maybe on the next day or so. But it happens very often, but randomly. You can have it working 3 or 5 times, then it will throw that errors one or many more times and then it will work again.
  3. Activated are: Google Maps JavaScript API, Google Places API Web Service, Google Calendar API


It's still happening to us. Sometimes, on a few days, we can enter many dates in the calendar with very few error messages. That's so liberating.
Normally there are many error messages and not rarely we can hardly enter a few dates and get the error message 10, 20, 30 times or more often - per date!
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